Chapter 2: The Hunt

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Third Person POV
It's been 3 weeks since the betrayal of the white fang. The day he lost everything. The day he decided he would be the one to end the white fang. Old friends will die at his hands. His name, F/N L/N of Laughing Coffin.

In Menagerie
F/N was in a warehouse full of white fang members as they pointed their weapons at him. 

WF1: Who are you and why are you here? 

F/N: Here visiting an old friend. 

WF1: Who are you! 

F/N: Doesn't the name Y/N ring a bell. 

WF2: Y/N! Traitor! 

They yelled as they shot at him. F/N hides behind cover and waits until they all ran out of ammo. He steps out and brings out his daggers. He charges at them and slashes through them. One member charged at him and tried to stab him with a knife. He spins and grabs the member's neck. He grabs him and snaps his neck. Another member reloaded and aimed at him. F/N uses the body as a shield, protecting him. As the white fang member reloads, F/N brings out a flash bang. He throws it and runs out of the area. 


The white fang members all clutched their heads as they screamed in agony. Hearing nothing but a ring in their ears. While they were clutching their heads, F/N was slitting their throats one by one. One by one their numbers decreased. As the last 5 were able to get their act together all they saw were dead bodies of their fellow comrades. In front of the bodies were F/N. 

F/N: Now I'm going to ask. Where is Adam and Chris. 
A/N: Chris is just an OC that is going to be apart of this story only. 

White Fang Member 1: We'll never tell you anything! 

F/N: Fair enough. 

F/N brings out his throwing knives and tosses at his ears. The white fang member screams as he clutches onto his ears. 

F/N: I'm going to ask again. Where is Adam and Chris. 

White Fang Member 1: Why! We didn't do anything to you! 

F/N: That's where your wrong. You guys took everything from me. 

White Fang Member 2: What do you mean! 

F/N: You killed my best friend, Ilia. Even my family. And my little brother Y/N. 

All of the white fang member's eyes widen with fear as they looked at F/N. 

White fang: Y-Y-You're h-h-his b-b-brother? 
They said as F/N brought out his knives. 

F/N: And I plan on killing your families as well. 

He walked up to them as they all looked at him with fear. 

White Fang Member: Please! We didn't do it! We'll tell you everything! We swear! 

F/N: Swearing won't bring the dead back.

 He slits their throats one by one as blood splattered across the floor. Then he came to a female white fang member as she looked at him with tears. 

Female Member: P-Please. I-I-I d-don't w-w-want t-t-to d-d-die! 
She begged as tears rolled down her voice. 

???: S-Someone p-please h-h-help m-me.
Someone's voice echoed throughout the area. 

F/N looks at the female white fang member and brings out his duel daggers. She looks at him with tears. He raises his daggers as she begged. 

Female Member: P-Please! I-I don't w-want to die! Please. I'm So----

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