Chapter 36: Healing the Heart (Lemon)

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Third Person POV 

Y/N sat there as Blake looked at him with widen eyes. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. 

Blake: Y-Y-Y/N? 

Y/N: Hey kitty. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Before he could get an answer, Blake pressed her lips against his as she wraps her arms around his neck. 

Y/N's POV 

I felt Blake wrap her arms around me as I felt her head on my shoulder to only hear sobbing. 

Blake: Y-Y-Y-You're okay. 
She sobs as she held me tightly. 

I said as I hugged her back. 

I saw her red puffy amber eyes looking at me as I caressed her cheek. 

Blake: I-I-I...
She struggled to finish as she looked away. 

I said as I put my finger on her chin, making her look at me. 

Blake: I-I did this ...
She said as she had tears running down her cheeks. 

"Adam did." 
I said to her as she looked at me. 

Blake: B-B-B-But...

"But nothing." 
I said to her. 

I saw her smile and felt her lips pressed against mine as I kissed back. Feeling my ears go up as we kissed each other. We slowly backed out from the kiss as she looked at me. 

"Want to help me out of here?" 
I asked her. 

Blake nods and helps me out of the bed as the door opened, revealing Ozpin with his cane.

Ozpin: Ah. Good to see you're awake. 
He said as he looks at s. 

"Here to arrest me Ozpin." 
I said as I looked at him, feeling Blake's hand tighten around mine. 

Ozpin: On the contrary, I'm here to thank you. 

"Why is that?" 

Ozpin: Well for one, you've defended Beacon. 

"I didn't choose to defend Beacon. Merely killing my bounties and claiming their heads." 

Ozpin: Either way, you've helped Beacon. 


Ozpin: You're free to go. 
He said as he opens the door for Blake help me out. 

I held my side in pain as I groaned, still feeling the injury. 

Blake: Just take it easy Y/N. 
She said as she helped me to the dorm where I stayed. 

"Thanks Blake." 
I said as I felt my arm around her neck. 

???: Hey Blake. Who is this guy? 
I heard another voice. 

Blake: Not now Sun. 
She said as I looked at him. Yellow hair, blue eyes, and a monkey tail. 

Sun: Come on. I just wanted to ask you something. 

Blake: Fine. What do you want. 

Sun: Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out. 

I looked at Blake as she looked at him then at me. 

Blake: No. I need to make sure Y/N is okay. 
She told him. 

Sun: Oh okay. 
He said and walks away. 

"Who was that monkey." 

Blake: Just a boy that keeps trying to flirt with me. 

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