Chapter 35: Broken Heart

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Third Person POV

It's been a few days since Y/N was in the hospital, Ozpin was sitting in his office as he was talking to a council member on the screen of his computer.

Ozpin: I understand what Ms Nikos did but that was a mere set up for a sabotage mission.
He said to the people.

Council Member: How do we know that she is a not a killer? How do we know that she won't kill others behind our backs?

Ozpin: I assure that Ms Nikos will not do such a thing.

Council Member: This is coming from the headmaster that harbors a mercenary. Specicifally the one that works with Death-Gun and his group of misfits.

Ozpin: That mercenary and Death-Gun's group saved this academy. If it wasn't for them, this academy would have fell.
He said with anger.

Council Member: That is not true. Atlas saved that academy not them.

Having enough, he sent footage of Death-Gun and his group of soldiers before closing the chat.

Ozpin: Blind men.
He said as he flips to the cameras of the academy to see S/N sitting at one of the tables in the cafeteria, eating alone.

Ozpin: I wonder how she is doing.
He said as he looked at her.

S/N was in the cafeteria as she was eating her food alone, away from the others.


He's hasn't woken up since then.

"It seems like he doesn't even want to wake up."
I said to myself as I swallowed the meal I was eating.

I felt my cold blades resting on my legs as the hilts touched my waist. My hoodie down, letting my hair fall to the back of my shoulders as my ears hung low.

I yelled as I felt someone grab my ears.

???: Look at what we have here boys. An animal sitting by herself!
I heard his voice as I felt his hands tighten around my hand.

I struggled to let out as tears welled in my eyes.

???: Look at it. The animal is begging.

???: Good. They are nothing but animals that should be underneath our boot!


Third Person POV

Cardin: AHHHH!
He screamed in pain as he held his bleeding hand.

Dove: Who did that!

???: I did.

Cardin: I'm going to kil-He was cut off as Death-Gun sthoved his knife into his throat

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Cardin: I'm going to kil-
He was cut off as Death-Gun sthoved his knife into his throat.

Death-Gun: Just shut up and die.
He said as he pushes Cardin onto the ground, shocking everyone else in the room.

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