Chapter 27: The Pass Memories

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Yang's POV

It's been a while since we saw that Ilia attempted to kill that Mia. Ever since then, she was put into a separate room with Blake's father.

???: Yang?

I turned around to see Ruby looking at me.


Ruby: What do you think is going to happen?

"I don't know."
I told her.

Ruby: Weren't we suppose to go back to Beacon after retrieving Y/N?
She asked, flashes of him going through my head.

I answered.

Ruby: Then why are we in Menagerie?
She asked.

"I don't know."

???: That's because Blake took him here because it was closer.

I turned around and saw Weiss standing there as she was wearing a hood.

"Why didn't we just take him to the hospital in Vale?"
I asked.

Weiss: Because by the time we got there, he would have been long dead.
She told us.

"Would have been better that way."
I muttered.

Ruby: Oh.
She said as she twiddled with her fingers.

As the three of us sat there, Blake's mother came into the room.

"How is Blake?"
I asked her.

Kali: Blake's up and well.
She answered.

"That's good to hear."

"Can't believe she loves someone that hurt her."
I said to myself.

Blake's POV

I felt the warm water run down my body as I washed myself. As I felt the warm water run down my body, all I could think about was him.


The one that I caused so much pain to.

The one I killed.

As I washed my hair, a memory flashed through my head as I stood there.


I was on the beach with my parents as I ran through the cold water.

Kali: Don't go too far out Blake!

I yelled as I ran across the water.

I ran across the beach as the water sunk back into the sea. I felt the cold sand as I felt the cold air run against my skin.

???: Hey Blake.

I looked up and saw him.

"Hey Y/N!"
I said as I ran to him.

"What are you doing here?"
I asked him as I stood there.

Y/N: Just here to take S/N to the beach.
He answered.

S/N: Big bwotha.
She said as she held onto his leg.

"Oh you're so cute."
I said as I knelt in front of her.

I saw S/N hide behind his leg as she looked at me with fear.

Y/N: No need to be scared S/N.
He said as I put his hand on her head.

S/N: H-Hewo.
She said.

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