Chapter 7: Comforting Her

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Third Person POV

F/N and Amelia were sitting in Goodwitch's class as they watched Jaune get beaten down by Cardin.

F/N: How the hell did this weakling ever get into this school.
He said to Amelia.

Amelia: I don't know F/N.
She said as she leaned on his shoulder.

F/N: He's worst than some of the other fighters here. Only one being a challenge is Pyrrha Nikos.

Amelia: What about her?

F/N: From what I've heard. She is like a celebrity in tournaments. Nothing compared to us though.

Amelia: Oh. What about me.
She pouts.

F/N: Her and you. Being the only one able to challenge me.
He said as he looks at his friend and student.

Amelia smiles and kisses him on the cheeks.

Goodwitch: We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf would we now Mr Arc.

Gingerhead: Speak for yourself.

Goodwitch: Remember everyone the Vytal festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before students from other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing. Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will represent all of Vale.
She said as the bell rings.

Everyone got up and started walking towards the cafeteria. F/N and Amelia waited as everyone left. While they waited, Blake stayed behind to try to talk to F/N.


"Finally it's done. Don't why we're still here."

Goodwitch: Because you agreed to come here.

"But I didn't agree to be taught like a child. I'm more than just someone in training."

Goodwitch: Then why are you even here.
She said as she looked at me.

"Because I want to give my student higher chances of surviving.
I growled at her.

Goodwitch: Where is this student?

"Right behind me."

Goodwitch: A-Amelia is your student? Why is that?

"Maybe because I rescued her when no teams were sent to find her. I rescused her from the white fang."

Goodwitch: O-Oh. I-I didn't know.

"If Ozpin speaks highly of himself like he's a savior why didn't he save Amelia."
I said with venom.

Goodwitch: W-We d-didn't know.

"You call yourselves huntresses. Yet you don't even risk your lives to save the common criminals. And I'm here to fix that."
I said with venom.

Goodwitch: What makes you any different from them then.

"Because I take and kill those that are unworthy of living. Roman. Adam Taurus. The White fang."
I said.

Goodwitch: What makes you decide that.

"Maybe because they took Amelia's family away from her."
I growled at her as Amelia pressed her against my shoulder as she holds my hand. Unknown to either of them, Blake was listening. She covered her mouth as she heard of Amelia's past with the white fang. She had tears running down her face as she realizes how much hate F/N has en stored for the white fang.

Goodwitch gasps at this.

Goodwitch: I'm sorry for your loss.
She said to Amelia.

"You talk to me like I'm a criminal yet you didn't send a team to look for people that are missing."
I said as I walked out with Amelia as she had head on my shoulder. I held her hand as we walked to cafeteria. We got our food and we sat a table.

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