Chapter 32: Lionheart

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Third Person POV 

S/N, Ilia, and Team RWBY were sitting in a bullhead on their way back to Beacon Academy. 

Ruby: What is this "Fall of Beacon" thing? 
She asked. 

Yang: Yeah. What does that mean? 
She asked. 

S/N: I-I-I-I-Its..
She struggles to answer as she holds her head in pain. 

Ilia: The attack on Beacon. 
She said. 

Blake: H-H-How do you know? 
She asked. 

Ilia: Sienna showed me the plans they had when she searched the dead white fang members. 
She answered. 

Flashback Ilia's POV 

I was sitting outside on the stairs of the house as I sighed, feeling tired. 

???: Didn't expect you to be out here? 
I heard her voice. 

"Lady Sienna." 
I said as I looked at her. 

Sienna: Drop the formalities Ilia. 
She said as she sat by me. 

"I thought you'll be inside with the Belladonnas." 
I said to her. 

Sienna: Can't after finding out what their plan. 
She said. 

"What plan?" 

Sienna: This. 
She said as she took out  a scroll. 

The scrolled show steps from the beginning to now. 

Sienna: My death was only a set up in their plan. 
She said. 

Sienna: They were planning to use my death to make the faunas rage a war against the humans. 
She said as she looked at me. 

Sienna: S/N was brought back as a bargaining chip and a spy. 
She said. 

"S-S-S-So all of this....."

Sienna: This was all apart of the plan.

"S-S-So how are we going to stop this?" 
I asked her. 

Sienna: You girls go back to Beacon while the three of us stay here to take command of the white fang. 
She said. 


Sienna: Ilia. 
She said as I looked at her. 

Sienna: Look after Blake and S/N. 
She said. 

Flashback Ends 

I looked at S/N and saw that she was laying her head on my shoulder. I turned my head to look at Blake and saw her asleep. 

"I'll try my best." 

To Death-Gun 

Death-Gun was standing in front of Sienna as he held his gun in hand. 

Death-Gun: What is it. 
He said as he looked at her through his mask. 

Sienna: I have a contract I need. 
She said. 

Death-Gun: Name and Price. 
He said. 

Sienna: Adam Taurus. 1 Million Lien. 
She answered. 

Death-Gun: Hmm. Any others. 
He said. 

Sienna: Corsac and Fennec. 
She told him. 

Death-Gun: How much. 

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