Chapter 3: Encounter

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5 days after freeing Amelia and training her

Beacon Blake's POV

My heart grows heavy every day. Every single day. Not a single hour or day goes by without him. Going through my mind. All the times we had together. The childhood we had. I can't stop thinking about him. He was the only one logical about the revolution. Now he's dead. Because of me. I couldn't help it.

"Y-Y-Y/N. I-I'm s-s-s-sorry."
With tears falling down. I took out the photo and Gambal Shroud and placed them right next to each other. I couldn't help but cry louder and louder as I looked at them. Y/N. Ilia.

"I-I-I *sniffles* miss you two *sniffles* so much."

I looked at my weapon. The stainless steel. The very weapon I ripped through him with. I couldn't get my mind off of that very day. The very day I killed him.


I cried louder and louder as I heard his last words repeat in my head.

"I'm sorry Y/N! I'm so sorry!" I yelled as tears poured down from my eyes.

???: Blake? Are you okay?

I wiped my tears and turned around. There I saw my team.

"I'm okay Ruby. What is it?" I lied.

Ruby: Oh. It's just that Ozpin wants to see us.

I got up and we started to walk to his office. I can't get my mind off of him. Him in his puddle of his blood. His eyes draining of life. I struggled to hold back tears as I thought of him. Him. My best friend. And the one I killed. All because I thought he betrayed us. It wasn't long til we got to his office.

Ruby: You called for us?

A man turns around in his chair and looks at the four of us.

Ozpin: Yes. I want you four to retrieve this assassin for this school. A friend of mine knows his destination.

Weiss: An Assassin! Why are we capturing one!

Ozpin: He has skills we need as huntsman. And I'm coming along.

Ruby: Okay. Let's do this.

Ozpin: Meet at the bullhead in 5.

We walked out of the office and headed to the bullhead. We all boarded it and it flew to our destination. I sat down as I held the photo of him. I tried to hold a tear back as I looked at him.

???: Oh. Whose that?

I turned to look and it was Yang.

Yang: Your boyfriend?
She said with a smirk.

"N-No. Just a friend."

Yang: You don't have to lie. You've been staring at him for a while.

"H-How d-do you know?"

Yang: I have my ways.

I looked back at the photo as I held tightly onto it.

"P-P-Please f-f-forgive me. I would do anything to get y-y-you b-b-back."


"Amelia. You ready."

She nods as she holds his sniper.

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