Chapter 26: The Missing Pieces

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Y/N's POV 

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room. As I laid there, I felt something heavy laying on my chest as I slowly got up. As I slowly got up, I looked and saw her once again 


Amelia slowly moved as I looked at her. 

Amelia: Hey Y/N. 
She said, coming out of her nap. 

Amelia: Y/n! 
She yelled as she brought me into a hug. 

Amelia: I'm so glad you're okay! 
She yelled as she hugged me tightly. 

I hugged her back as I sat there. 

"How long have I been here?" 
I asked her. 

Amelia: 3 days. 
She said with sadness. 

"What's wrong?" 

Amelia slowly looked up and I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. I wiped her tears away as I held her close. 

"Hey. It's okay." 
I told her. 

Amelia: I-I just missed you so much. 
She said as she held my hand. 

Amelia: D-Death-Gun said you could have died. 
She said with tears. 

"Shh. It's okay. I'm right here." 
I said as I hugged her. 

Amelia: I-I'm just so glad you're here. 
She sobbed onto my chest. 

I didn't say anything as I held her close, hearing her sobs. 

"Hey. It's okay. I'm still here." 
I told her. 

Amelia continues to sob on my chest as she held my hand. 

"Amelia. Can you help me with something?" 

Amelia nods as she looked at me with her puffy red eyes. 

"Does this place have a shower?" 
I asked her. 

Amelia: Y-Yeah. 

"Can you help me out of my armor?" 

Amelia nodded and took off my chest piece before setting it down. 

"Mind taking me to the shower?" 
I asked her. 

Amelia nods and slowly helps off the bed before taking me to the shower. As we walked down the hallways, Death-Gun walked into the hallway. 

Death-Gun: Y/N. You're awake. 


Death-Gun: How are you feeling? 

"A little sore but I should be fine." 
I answered. 

Death-Gun: That's good to hear. But who was that girl that attacked you? 

"Oh. Just some faunas I knew from a long time ago." 
I lied. Remembering who the girl was. 

Death-Gun: I see. Well. Take care. I need to talk to Mist and Hades. 
He said before leaving us. 

"Let's go." 
I told Amelia. 

Amelia nodded and took me to the showers. As we walked, I couldn't fathom the idea of it. The fact that my little sister is alive. 

"She can't be alive." 
I told myself. 

"I saw Adam kill her myself. "
I said as I remembered. 

"An illusion?" 

"No. There was no one in the area when we fought." 
I said to myself. 

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