Chapter 31: Telling Of The Past

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Third Person POV

Blake was standing in front of S/N with Ilia, team RWBY, Sienna, and Mia as they looked at her.

Mia: What happened to Chris is your fault.
She said with anger.

Sienna: Not now Mia.
She said as she held her back.

Mia: WHY? Why does she get to live but not my brother! Chris is dead because of her and Adam! And you're allowing her to live!
She yelled at Sienna.

Sienna: No. I'm not doing because of that.
She told her.


Sienna: If you can't already see, she clearly doesn't remember why she was brought back.
She said as she looked at S/N who was sobbing into her hands.

S/N: I-I-I-I never k-k-knew w-w-what I-I-I was doing.
She said as she looked at them with tears.

Ruby: Why did you attack us?
She asked her.

S/N: I-I-I-I-I w-w-was just t-t-t-trying t-t-to avenge m-m-my brother.
She said as she sobbed.

S/N: A-A-All I-I-I knew w-w-was she killed me and our family.
She said as she pointed to Blake.

Blake looked down, remembering what she did to Y/N and his family.

Blake clenched her fists in anger. Anger at herself for being so easily manipulated.

S/N: A-A-all I-I-I wanted was to be with my b-b-big brother.
She sobbed as she looked at Blake.

S/N: R-R-Right B-B-Blakey?
She asked as she started to hick up.

Blake's POV

It hurt seeing her like this. Seeing how scared she was when she saw Y/N coming at her with the intention to kill her.

Sienna: Maybe its best for you all to step outside.

I walked out of the room and stood in front of it with Ruby, Weiss, and Yang.

Ruby: So what happened to her?
She asked me.

Weiss: Yeah. What happened between you, Y/N, and S/N?
She asked me.

I felt my heart aching, having to remember what I did to them. All because I "loved" Adam. All because I trusted him more than anything.

Yang: It's fine if you're not ready to tell us.
She said as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

Ruby: Yeah. It's okay if you're not ready.
She said.

"Just give me a minute."
I told them, sighing as I was going to tell them.

"Y-Y/N and I were childhood friends."

Ruby: Wait? If you both were childhood friends, why did he hate you so much when we were in Beacon?
She asked.

I struggled to answer as flashes of what he said and what I did flashed through my head.

Yang: Blake.
She said with worry in her voice.

"I-I n-n-nearly k-k-killed him."
I said, finally getting it out as the image of his body flashed through my head.

I heard them gasp as I looked to the ground, not wanting to look at their faces. Knowing what I am.

A monster.

Ruby: Why?
She asked.

Weiss: So that's why he hated you so much then.
She said.

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