Chapter 20: Self-Hatred

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Third Person POV 

Y/N was laying on the bed as Kali was patting his wound with a wet towel as Blake sat by him with red puffy eyes. 

Kali: How long have you been like this? 
She asked Y/N. 

Y/N: Ever since. 
He answered. 

Kali: All this time, you were that mercenary the white fang talked about. 
She said, shocked from this information. 

Blake held tightened her hold on Y/N's hand, afraid of losing him. 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He grunts as Kali continued to wash clean his wound. 

Kali: I'm sorry. 
She said as she dipped the tower in warm water. 

Blake looked at Y/N as tears started running down her cheeks. 

Blake: I-I'm sorry. 
She said with sadness in her voice, looking down. 

Y/N slowly turned to look at Blake as she looked back at him with her tearful amber eyes. 

Blake: I-I-I-I'm sorry. F-F-For h-hurting you. 
She struggled to say as she looked at Y/N's scar. 

Before Y/N could say anything, Blake walked out of the room leaving Y/N with her mother. 

Y/N's POV 

I felt Blake's mother continue to clean my wound as I saw Blake walk out of the room. 

Kali: You know she's been so hard on herself. 
She told me as I turned to look at her. 


Kali: Yeah. When you were out. She stayed in this room. Holding your hand while praying that you wake up. 
She said as she looked at me. 

I looked at her and saw her eyes with bags under her eyes. 

Kali's POV 

"Blake. She truly feels responsible for what happened to you." 

I continued to clean his wound as I saw the scar. 

"When they first brought you here to heal, I couldn't believe that you were still alive. Even after your disappearance." 
I said as I looked at his E/C eyes. 

"I-I missed you." 
I told him. As I looked him I saw his E/C eyes, the same colors as his mothers. 

"When Blake first came back and brought you into this room, she......"

I looked at him and saw him looking back. 

Y/N: She did what? 

"Blake..........Didn't do anything but stay in here. She wouldn't eat. Drink. Wouldn't even come out of the room. Just stayed in here." 
I said as I remembered hearing her cries in the room. 


I was holding a plate of food while walking down to the room where Y/N was at. I continued walking until I came to the door. I slowly opened the door and saw Blake laying her head on his stomach as I heard her cries. 

Blake: Y-Y/. I-I-I'm sorry. F-F-For everything. Y-Your father. Y-Your mother. Y-Your sister. 
I heard her cries. 


Blake didn't listen as she continued crying. 

I placed my hand on her shoulder. 

Blake: I-Its my fault. 
She cried. 

Blake: F-F-For e-everything. 
She said as she continued crying. 

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