Chapter 24: Never Ending Pain

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Blake's POV 


I felt a cold breeze hit my skin as my hair blew with it. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was standing in middle of an area. 

"Where am I?" 
I said out loud as I looked around. 

Nothing answered me as I saw flowers flying with the wind.

"So this is how it feels to die." 
I said as I looked at my hand. 

As I looked at my hands, I started hearing someone humming in a distance. Out of curiosity I started following it hoping to find out who it was. I started walking towards one direction as I felt the wind blow through my hair. As I continued walking, the humming got louder and louder. As I got closer, I saw a house that had a porch with a chair rocking back and forth. As I looked a little closer, my eyes widen as I saw the people standing there. There I saw my parents and young me standing in front of four people. 

Ghira: Hello F/N. It's been a while. 

My eyes widen as I heard F/N. 

F/N: It sure has Ghira. 

Kali: Who are these two? 
He asked as he looked at the two children standing near him. 

M/N: Oh. This is Y/N and S/N. 
She answered as she introduced her children. 

M/N: Say hello Y/N. 
She told him. 

Y/N: H-H-Hello.

I felt my eyes starting to water as I saw his parents. 

Kali: Say hello Blake. 
She said as she held young me in front of of Y/N. 

S/N: Moma

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S/N: Moma. 
I heard S/N's voice. 

I saw S/N clinging onto M/N's shoulder as she held her. 

M/N: Y/N. Why don't you and S/N go play with Blake? 

Y/N: Okay mom. 
He said as he walked to young me. 

I couldn't help myself as I saw how his E/C eyes were full of life. Full of happiness. There I saw my younger self playing with him around the playground. 

???: Thank you Y/N. 
I heard my voice. 

I slowly turned around and saw Y/N and I sitting under a tree. 

Y/N: So what was it you wanted to bring me here? 
He asked my younger self. 

Young Blake: Well. I was just wondering if you're going to join the white fang. 

Young Y/N: Of course I am. 
He said. 

"N-No. P-P-Please stop." 
I begged as I didn't want to relive the same memory again. 

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