Chapter 1~Catch

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She's the girl that has the most innocent face in the world,She's an ordinary girl but is she?, but she has a buried secret that she herself doesn't even know what it is. Until She meets the angel that will change her life, forever. And her real identity uncovers.

~Alison Juliet Cline

(Saying:"Your not staying!, then why did you gaurd me in the first place!")

He was the most wanted man at there time, because of his looks and personality. But only one girl makes his heart have a reason to beat. But he is afraid if their worlds collide. Because, Ivan is an Angel... and Ali is just an ordinary human girl... or is she?.

~Ivan Carson Coven

( Saying:"I can't deny.... That I love you... Because I do!, And as much as I try to fight my feelings away, I just ca't because I love you!. And I know I can't because, I'm an angel, Our worlds are different... And whatever happened in the past, i forgott it, Cellia is in the past now... She loves someone else and I've moved on for many years. But you, I just know I can't move on")

She was the most wanted girl in her time, but she could never get the man she loves, Ivan. As much as she tried, his heart belonged to someone else. And if she can't have Ivan she makes sure no one else will.

~Nathea Glare Compton

(Saying: "If I can't have you, no one will. Not even, Ali")

My name is Alison Juliet Cline, I grew up in a small town. My story is more than just a joke, its about not only me but also the world.And it's me and Ivan against everything wanting to break our forever.

Here's my story.

"Oh, it's raining." I moaned. I stepped in the hallways, making my way to our classroom.

"Alison!" I heard somone say my name. I turn around. "Jone!" i shout back, it was my bestfriend Jone, it's been awhile since i saw her, it was the start of a new school year now. And a start of a new Life. Something disturbed me, why was Jone so frustrated, the look on her face made me have the chillls. I ran to her.

"Jone, is there something wrong?" I asked. "It's... Greg" She whispered. Greg, my boyfriend. I was afraid, I knew this was bad news. "What happened?!, did he... Have an accident, or something!?... TELL ME JONE!" I exclaimed, i was relief that everyone was in their classroom and only me and Jone we're left. "Worst...he...cheated...on you" Jone said and inhaled deeply.

Greg... Cheated on me... "I know it's hard to believe... but i have proof, Ali." Jone said. She grabbed her phone from her pocket and she showed me a photo from her phone. I was Speechless... It was crystal clear on her phone, that Greg was kissing Vanessa, his Ex. "Ali, I'm sorry. Henry took this Photo while he was borrowing my phone at Haidi's Party 3days ago, i couldn't tell you earlier, because i got grounded. Ali, don't cry he's not worth it" Jone said, i didn't realize, until i touched my cheek. Tears were already streaming down my face... Jone slowly placed her fingers on my face and wipped my tears away. The only thing I needed was an explaination.

I walked away, "Ali!, where are you going?!" Jone Exclaimed. But nothing came out from my mouth. I walked to the classroom, and he was there... talking with Vanessa, laughing that nothing was wrong. Suddenly, my heart froze for a second, i felt it. "Gr...Greg" I said. Greg and vanessa looked at me, Greg gave me a smile. "Hey!, Ali!. I missed you!" He said. Yeah, right. " we need to talk..." I said, He got up from his chair and looked at me. We walked outside, just outside the classroom door, beside the janitors door. He stood up infront of me, i layed on the wall. was this it?, am i gonna break up with him?... after 2 years?. "What's wrong?" He asked me, he slowly held my hand. I pulled away. I lookes at my left and saw Jone. "Jone, give me your phone," I said "Please".

Jone grabbed her phone From her pocket and gave it to me. It was already open. Vanessa and Soon to be my ex Greg. "Explain this" I said and Showed him the photo. He looked at Jone and at me. "Let me explain, Ali" he said. "Explain" I said.  He took a deep breath, "I'm gonna be honest, i can't explain...It happened... and I just can't explain, i kissed Vanessa" he said, I gave Jone her phone. "And... Did you like it?..." I asked. He didn't answer me. "It's Over" I whispered. "what?... ali!, No" He said.

He held me around his arms, I pulled away. "NO!. It's over!" I exclaimed. "YOU, heard her Greg!" Jone said. "Ali, I love you" He said. Suddenly, everything just flashed to my head, all the memories. When we first met, the first kiss, the first time he told me he loved me. Now, i just don't know what to do!

Suddenly, Rain crashed. I looked in his eyes. His, hazel eyes that first caughed me. "Sorry,But no" I said. I ran away, Outside the campus. Outside, where no one was. Where no one, could disturb me. Tears droped the ground while i was running. I didn't know where i was going, i just knew i was going somewhere, far away.

But I could feel, grass on my toes and leaves bumping me. I froze and opened my eyes. I was standing on top of... Sunset Hill. Rain poured, and poured. My knees crashed down on the ground. Out of the blue... It just froze, rain stopped. I plced my handson the Grass. Dry. Like rain never touched it. There's something going on here ... I looked up the sky, A huge light appeared.  Something was falling. A feather?. It was a feather, a white feather.  Somehow, i had the strangest feeling that i wanted it to be mine, that i wanted it in my hands. It slowly went to me... I reached up and I caughted it. Suddenly, it lighted up. A beautiful white glow. The feather became little shinning glitters.

"What---" I whispered, I heard a voice, a male voice saying my name. I looked up the sky, suddenly a huge orb crashed down on the forest  "Follow me" I heard that voice again. "Huh?" I whispered.  I turned around and followed the direction the voice was telling me... and that direction was where the huge orb fell. I froze, when the voice told me to stop. There was a boy standing , he was taller than me, but we looked like we had the same age.

He was like an angel, he gave me a smile. His eyes were brown, his skin was fair, his hair was bronze. the way he was stunned me. He was wearing only white pants. ONLY.

I could see his perfect body. He walked towars me. "Are you ok?" He asked and chuckled. His voice, it was the voice that I heard. "I'm Ivan" He said and smiled. He took a deep breath. I was more shocked, suddenly  two huge wings appeared behind him. Was he an-- "Are you an---Angel?" I asked. He gave me a chuckle,I guess he saw the way I was stunned.

"Yes..." He said and smiled. I shivered. "Ali,don't be afraid... I'm here to protect you. I was sent, by God. To gaurd you." He said. What, was the only word on my mind right now. I could not believe what was happening. " What?. Am i Dreaming?. I am right?" I asked him. He chuckled. "No, Ali. I saw you... You, were hurt," He said, so it was real he is real , he saw me breaking up with Greg. "Ali, I'm here to protect you." he said. I was convinced, he was telling me the truth, I could see the truth in his eyes. he was sincere, something that i always wanted to see from Greg. "Tell me more" I said, He smiled at me "Okay, On the way" He answered.

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