Chapter 11~More and More Secrets(PART 1)

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It's been crazy since me and Ivan met,

i knew more things, between our world and theirs,


and Secrets...

Is there still more to come?

After class was finished, Sir. Jameson wanted to talk to us...

The room was silent, it was 4pm, and almost the whole campus was empty...

We went to our classroom... Sir, sat on his chair reading somthing...

He glanced at our direction, he smiles. "ahh, ali, Ivan please comt in" he says. Me and Ivan came in, Sir. got up and closed  the door behind us,

The silent gave me chills, Ivan looked at me. "Your shaking, Nothings wrong... Sir, just wants to talk to us" Ivan whispers in my ear.

"Please sit down" Sir said.

Me and Ivan sat down on our chairs, My hands were shaking and i didn't know why...

Sir, sat on his chair infront of us... He smiled, "I know" he answers.

My eyes widened. "Know what?" I ask.

I glanced at Ivan, but he doesn't look nervous, he stayed clam as ever, while I was like shaking like a vibrating phone.

Sir got up, He raised his hand...

He opened his hand... "Oh My------" I was freakin' speechless...

Blue flames came out of his hands, it was beautiful... like a candle... But!, what was going on?!.

"I knew It!" Ivan exclaimed, I jumped by the sound of his Voice, "What's going on?" I asked, "I'm a nephilim, Ali... I wasn't joking when i tod you that i was 632 years old..." Sir Answered.

But why tell me?, is there something I have to know?

"Why tell me Sir?" I asked... His expression changed, he was serious now... He slowly closed his hand and sat on his chair.

"There's Something comming and it's comming here..." Sir answers, He looks at Ivan "A Fight".

A fight?,With angels?. "With angels?, but that doesn't involve me right?" I asked, Sir. looked down on the floor, "Right?" I repeated with a stronger Voice. He pulled his head up and looked at me "They're coming for you" Sir. Answers,  My whole body couldn't move all of a sudden... 'they're coming for you'... Sir. said, his words echoed in my mind. "What?!, NO, they can't involve Ali in this!" Ivan got up and exclaimed.

My head dropped.

"But it's what's gonna happen... It's gonna happen, no matter what we do!" Sir answered.

I tilted my head. He got up, and traced his hair with his fingers, "No one wants a fight" Sir said.

Ivan moved forward, "is there anything we can do?"... Ivan asked.

Sir, stared into the window... He closed his eyes, and opened them, His eyes glowed Golden Yellow... He turned his head to me, "There is," he said and half smiled.

I actually felt relieved...

Ivan slowly, slips his fingers in my hand, which i held tightly now.

"The council, aren't the ones that are after ali," Sir said... Ivan sigh and smiled, "But someone else... and from what anne saw... It's gonna be a real fight..." Sir walked infront of me...

He crouched infront of me. He smiled, His eyes was calm... which were golden yellow now, i couldn't stop staring. It seemed like little stars... "Ali, whoever is after you... do not be afraid, We are here for you... Not only us... But also, Ivan's Family" Sir said and looked at ivan and chuckled, I guess sir has his own suprises.

Ivan laughted, "Great" ivan said sarcasticly.

Somehow i wasn't afraid... Beacause of the people around me, the people who were ready to protect me, was with me....

but stll, i felt like a paper slowly being ripped apart. knowing somehow i was going to die...

~Ivan drove us in his Car...

The silence was killing me... What was he thinking?... He drove a little bit slower than usual. I stared outside the car window... The images in my eyes slowly started fading... My eyes dropped...

~Ivan's POV

Ali fell sleep in the car, i couldn't stop staring at her beauty, her beauty glissened at the shining moon, her lips red as an apple, her face, small but she looked sweet, here nose tall, her skin as fair as can be... and the beat of her heart, made my heart have a reason to beat...

I wanted to tell her how i felt, but how?... and why should i?. Do i want ali and me to be together?. I do, but somehow... my doubt was killng me, how could she love someone like me?, i'm just an angel...

I saw ali, more than just an ordinary human being, she was something special for me...

She knew me better than anyone on earth knew me... i would never comeback on earth knowing she never existed... I Love Her... loosing her would be the biggest regrett in my whole life...

Seeing her breath made me want to breath, seeing her ok made me okay...

~ we got to her house...

I carried ali inside her house, I made sure no one saw me...

I carried her inside her room, I slowly placed her on her bed and covered her with her blanket, I slowly walk away... "Ivan" I heard ali's voice, i slowly turn around. Her eyes opened, she was awake. I froze, "Ali, get some sleep" I said, "No, I can't sleep now... I'm awake... Can you... Please stay..." She answered. She told me to stay and I wanted to, But before i do... I went to the couch and grabbed my bag, I opened it. 'Violin' i whispered, I slowly grabbed the violin from the bag. I walked back to ali, She raised her self uop and leaned on the bed, "Violin?" She whispered. "Yup" I answered. "You never told me you could play" Ali said  and smiled, her eyes sparked. She lookd into my eyes like she was looking into my soul. "Do you," She started to say, Then she looked down "Get tired... of gaurding me?" She added and tilted her head and looked at me. Why would she ask that?, is that what she's feeling?. "Ali, I was never tired of gaurding you, it's my duty and gaurding you is what I want... I'm not just gonna let you get lost, I care about you" I answer. Her lips parted "You care" She said. If you only knew. "I do. I'm your gaurdian right?" I said. Her lips closed, She sigh "Oh" She said. "Show me how you play the violin" Ali demanded. I slowly breath...

~Ali's POV

It was absoloutly beautiful, the way he moved his hands through every note... he was smooth but the sound and the clarity was brilliant... I was perfectly amazed!... it was perfect, the sweetest sound I've heard...

~Ivan's POV

After a few minutes, she slowly fell asleep... I slowly stroked my fingers on her cheek... If you only knew Alison Cline...

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