Chapter 4~_Flash Back_~

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~When Me and Ivan Got home

Ivan made sure that no one could see him get in the front door, he sneekd from behind and went in my window where no one could see, he wouldn't want anyone making rumors. I opened the door, "Oh!--" I exclaimed, Ivan stunned me. "Soorry!" He said, I inhaled deeply, "It's cool" I said and smiled. I walked to the kitchen, but i noticed something. I froze, Ivan's eyes were a little bit carmin red colored. Only light.

I continued walking to the kichen. i opened the fridge and drank a glass of water, i leaned on the wall for a while, some how i felt sleepy... "Alison"i heard whispers, the voice seemed familiar... I think it was the girl  from my dream , I felt like i was getting dizzy, i tried to walk to the kichen table. I slowly placed the glass on the table. I stared at the whole place, the room was spinning around "Ali!" i heard someone say, In a moment i felt the cold floor, I saw someone running towards me from a far "Ivan" I whisepred.

~~Ali's Dream Flash Back~~

I was dreaming, was i?. I looked around, where was i?. The place seemed very beautiful, It had a theme of an old castle but it was light, light streemed in the castle which filled it with beauty. where was i?... Then i got the intuition, I was in a castle. I saw a man, was he the king?, he got up from his throne. I followed his direction, "My little angel" He said, he opened his arms. He was holding now a little baby.. girl in his arms. The one that boughted the baby to the man was a beautiful woman, was she the queen?. "Our daughter, is beautiful" He said, The woman smiled, "Of course, she had her looks from you, Vincent" The woman answered. The man and the woman had fun holding their little child in each others arms, "Momma!, Pappa!" someone said, I turned around It was a little boy, Like 8 years old. "Carter!" The woman said, and gave his son a hug. "Where is she?, where's my sister?" He asked, "Right here" The man said. There family was full of joy and happiness. The man crouched down and showed his son the little baby, The boy was stunned "Wow!, she's beautiful!, will she have White or Dark wings?" The boy asked, "We won't know until she knows" The man answered. Wings?, was this a family of angels?. what's going on here?. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Come in" The man said. The door opened, "May i see her?" The visitor said. "Yes of course" the man said. The visitor looked at the baby, he smiled. "Beautiful, what's her name?" He said. "I don't know... I want to name her Arkria" the man answered. The people in my dream wore old cloths, i mean old times. Gowns, and attires like the people from the year17th. "Alison..." i heard a whisper.

"Alison..."  heard a whisper again, My eyes are wide open. "Ivan..." i said, I was in my room lying on my bed, ivan sat on a short chair. "What happened?" he asked me. I shacked my head "I don't know, I remember... I just felt dizzy that's all" I answered. He sigh, he was upset "Ali, I'm your gaurdian and i already feel like i'm not even doing my job... I feel like i'm failing, like i'm an epic fail"He said. My eyes widened. I pulled my self up and leaned on my bed, i was stunned "An epic fail?, not doing your job?," i asked, I looked at ivan he caught my expression "you are amazing!, you saved my life earlier, if you wouldn't catch me i wouldn't know what would have ahppened now!. Ivan, you saved me."I said, He forced a half smile, but i could see in his eyes that he believed me. "I would never want to imagine that" he answered. He held my hand. "I'm glad your ok," he said. "by theway, were you having a dream?" he asked. "How'd you know?" i asked, I was curious now. "Well, i heard you saying words, like... Beautiful, Family of angels and The name Arkia" Ivan said. "Oh, yeah... i had this dream like i was in a castle, and i saw this happy family of angel, and they had a baby daughter, named... Arkia..." I explained, Ivan's expression changed. "Impossible, I can't believe this, " he said he looked at me "How would you dream of something that happened in the past, and something you never knew about?" he said, "You know them?" I asked, with shock. "I heard a story once... Remember what i told you about a council in earth?" he asked me, I nodded. "Well, it stated 17 years ago... The Leader of Gheleomire Castle, had a daughter named... Arkia, everything went well, until she was kidnapped and everything changed in Gheleomire...," he said. I stood still. Why am i dreaming these things?, was it a sign or something?. "but ali, don't let it stick around in your mind, it's probably, just a dream, a simple dream" he said, he held my hand trying to calm me down. "Ok" i answered.

"Tell me more about, the family of the Leader" I requested, "It started, in Rome... At the year 1421. there was a nephilim named, Vincent Daniel Sevirine Arkulus Collins, he explored the world with his friends, Fredrick Krife, Gregford Hendrickson and many more... on the year 1435, he met a young beatiful nephilim named, Elkana Roselie Florenceste Tilania For, at a party. They fell inlove at first sight, but both their parents disagreed, because you see, Vincent is a drarkarts or a darkia angel, which means it wouldn't be good if  a darkarts angel, marries a snowwhitart angel especially when Vincent's father is the Leader of Gheleomire Castle and Elkana's Father is the leader og Seaglhonaya Castle which were very powerful people, but Vincent and Elkana, fought for there love, after  a few years they finally convinced their parents at the year 1452 they got married . but it wasn't easy. After, Vincent's father died because of a war between the redfrost castle he ruled the castle and their life became more... let's say peaceful. At the year 1990, they had their first Born Son, Carter Elijah Hendhider James Collins. and at the year, 1998 they had another baby, and her name was arkia, but after 12 months arkia was kidnapped in her own castle, no one knows who kidnapped her, but she isn't dead because... there were no signs and struggle or blood... but i know also, she's still alive. When she was gone, everything changed, you could barely see the smile in their family, and before the castle was full of light , laugh and smiles, but now... it just all faded." Ivan explained, they really had long names in the past, which made it very confusing. But what made me sad was when the happiness in their family just faded.

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