Chapter Sixteen

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A huge blizzard swirled around the room. Everything was in chaos.

Anna and Kristoff fought side by side with long swords. They swung at the enemies, but did not want to kill anyone.

Kristoff was shot in the chest twice from black sand, which Merida, Astrid, and Hiccup had gained quickly.

A dragon shot its burning flames at Rapunzel. Elsa shot an ice wall in front if her. Rapunzel closed her eyes tight and began singing, the room growing brighter.

Everyone appeared in a huge forest about fifteen miles from Arendelle.

The four who were slaves of the black magic were trying to fight Elsa, Rapunzel, and Jack. Anna had lost her way and was alone.

The battle was far away, she could tell. It was completely silent. A cracking came from her left side. She jerked her head in that direction but saw no one.

A hand lightly touched her shoulder, and she turned around. When she saw him, her heart shattered. "You."

"Yes, me." Hans smiled evilly at her.

"I swear, if you try to hurt me, you'll-"

"I'll be sorry? Please. I've changed. In a good way." He held out his hands as flames appeared. "Now I suggest you do what I say."

Her eyes opened wide as she stepped back slightly.

"Anna, you have no choice."

"F-fine. I'll do what you want me to."

Hans rubbed his hands together. "Close your eyes then." He stepped forward and placed his hand on her chin. "Don't move- just stay."

Her heart pounded in her chest.

Hans leaned in.

His lips touched hers. She immediately felt a fire burning in her heart. She felt the love that had never been in anyone else. It was the kiss she never got from him.

Their kiss deepened, and she grabbed his neck. Anna loved Hans, and nobody else.

They broke apart for a split second. "Oh, Hans. I'm so sorry I was ever mad at you."

"I forgive you." He pushed his face against hers again.

This was only part of the plan though.


Elsa kept shooting ice daggers at the witch. One of the four people grabbed Elsa's mouth, but she couldn't see who. They shoved her onto the ground.

It was Hiccup who stood over her, holding a sword. Astrid was by his side, grinning evilly. "Do it." She whispered.

Hiccup brought the blade down. Elsa waited for the pain to pierce her body- for her life to end.

But it didn't happen.

Hiccup was on the ground, unconscious. Jack was breathing heavily.

Astrid was about to hit him, when he just blasted a shot of ice at her head. She too was out cold.

There still had to be a way to save Kristoff and Merida. They showed up behind him.

Elsa hesitated, but shot Kristoff in the leg. He was in pain on the ground. She wasn't quick enough to take out Merida, though.

She forced the blade of her sword through Jack. He looked down, seeing fresh scarlet blood. Merida was shot by Elsa.

Jack fell to his knees. His face was more pale than usual. Life seemed to be draining from him.

"No no no..." Elsa ran to him and held his face. "Don't leave me."

Jack tried to tell her something, but his mouth barely moved. His eyes became glassy and he fell forward onto her only moments later. Elsa pulled the blade out and covered his wound, hoping if could help bring him back. But nothing happened.

She began crying, hugging him tightly. "Don't go Jack. I- I love you."


The battle was still raging on. The Guardians against Pitch now, and Rapunzel fighting the Witch. She had managed to take out Toothless and Stormfly.

The Witch shot blasts at her, and she only barely dodged them.

Tooth was hit and knocked out by Pitch. Bunnymund saw and ran to her unconscious body. He shook her.

Nothing happened. He stood up and ran at Pitch. "You hurt my love." He muttered angrily. "So I'm gonna hurt you." He launched his feet at Pitch's back, making him launch backward.

North and Sandy charged forward and held their weapons up to him. He was cornered.


Hans finally appeared, Anna by his side. She looked like a monster. Her hair down but wild, the bottom of her skirt torn. Elsa was crying over Jack when she saw them. "A-Anna?"

Anna looked over at her and only glared. "Oh, well if it isn't it the monster that I call a sister. You look horrible."

"Hans, what did you do to her?"

"Only what had to be done. I had to tweak her personality a little, but that doesn't matter."

Elsa shook her head. "I lost Jack, and I can't lose Anna."

"Too late. She's gone for good."

Elsa ran to Anna and grabbed her shoulders. "Please tell me you're in there." She looked into Anna's blue eyes but only saw emptiness and darkness. She was gone.

Anna laughed and she and Hans turned and left.

The only people Elsa had left were the Guardians and Rapunzel. She looked to the Guardians, but was horrified.

Pitch had a huge wave of black sand rushing toward them. They were hugging each other, for there was no way out. This was the end.

Elsa was almost too scared to look at Rapunzel. The witch was using her magic to wrap Rapunzel's hair around her neck. She was starting to choke.

Fear was taking over.

Elsa sunk to her knees and waited for her life to end. She shut her eyes tightly.

"Just do it."

Hans's warm hand grabbed her neck. She felt the flames start eating her.

The burning pain singed her skin. Elsa was being burnt alive.

She fell to the ground.


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