1. The begining of the end

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Hey readers! I'm so glad this story has really exploded (like dynamite ;)) and that many of you have enjoyed it so much that you're re-reading it. Thank you, but please please don't spoil anything in the comments!
This story has a lot of twists, turns and hidden clues. It takes away the fun of reading if there's spoilers in the comments. I'll have to delete them.
Thank you for your understanding! Without further ado, please enjoy x

You wake up panting and disoriented, body soaked with sweat and the unmistakable feeling of dread.
You dreamt of it again, that strange purple planet. But this time was different, this time you were speaking to someone- something.

It had a long black mask with spikes protruding from the top, resembling devilish horns. When it apple you could feel the air crackle with every hiss of its raspy distorted voice. It said it was coming... coming for the eight children of 'Orcus'- presumably the planet you keep dreaming of. Whatever that meant.

With a haggard sigh, you sit up on your bed and glance at the window, out at the boundless night sky and the big bright moon.

"That was a weird nightmare... but it felt so...real? Whatever it was, it's got me spooked."
You mumble to yourself, basking in the moonlight.

After a moment of contemplation, you decide to snuggle back under the sheets and try to go to sleep again.

You're there again. That thing is staring right at you.

"I wasn't finished my dear Pax."  It says in a teasing tone.
"You must be confused. I'm Luhan. The king of Orcus. Or the King of what Humans refer to as 'Hell'."
Your eyes widen at the thing-man-monster.

"Ridiculous of you all to assume that Hell is beneath the ground you walk. We're in another galaxy altogether dear child." He snickers.

"I have waited years to tell you child... I, Luhan Sacious alongside my army of Sakers will bring chaos to the little planet you and the other seven children call home." He proceeds to flash a grin that's sickens you.

His eyes then glow crimson as he strides closer to you, reach out his bony grey hand.

You try to move, try to scream, but nothing comes out.
The thing- Luhan, twirls his fingers towards the ground and out sprouts large shadowy figures with the same red glowing eyes. The masses materialise from thick dark smoke into human-like figures. Are they what 'Luhan' called...Sakers?

"All this time.. I've been wondering where your parents sent you all. They thought that letting you escape would protect you. They were wrong...I've finally found you."
Luhan inches closer and grasps your chin, pulling your face roughly towards him.

"Orcus is mine. Earth will be mine and you and the other children are mine.... you can't stop me. Don't bother or you'll die trying." 

It pushes your face away and steps back, looming over your shaking body.
"In due time dear Pax...in due time."

The purple landscape around you fades and you jolt awake again.
You gasp for air as you frantically look around at your surroundings. Realising you're in your room again, you clutch your heart in relief.
What the hell was that?

You scratch your head as you sit up on your bed. It was a dream, you know it was but... it scared you to the bones.

After calming your nerves, you glance at the time.
Shit! School!
You get ready in a flash and run out the door of your confined apartment.

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