52. Damnation

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The nine of you move swiftly and quietly, hoods up and blended in with the crowd.
You're amongst masses of people flooding towards Luhans palace.

You have to admit, the palace is unlike anything you've ever seen. It's bricks are a dark, matte purple, almost black. It's sheer size is overwhelmingly large and menacing.

Before you all left, Minji handed each of you a couple viles of white powder.
She decided it would be best if you all levitated the powder at the guards and officials in the room, knocking as many people out as possible -except for Luhan of course.

"We're almost in. Remember the plan." Minji whispers to you.
You nod at her before pulling down on the hood, covering more of your face.

As your group heads through the gate, the guards don't even spare a glance at you. You're all lucky they don't check every attendee of The Giving.

The inside of the palace is intricately decorated with ornaments of gold, diamond and some other gems you're unfamiliar with.

The attendants are directed towards the main hall, in which Luhan is seated at a long alter with Kai and some other officials at the back of it.

Once inside, you're placed in a line with Jungkook behind you and Yoongi in front.

"They're all giving gifts, what if they notice we're empty handed?" Jungkook whispers, registering how the line snakes around to the alter where people are presenting Luhan with gifts before it gets taken away by officials.

"They won't notice... I hope not anyway." You whisper back.

"Why does this remind me of an Idol fan meet." Yoongi chuckles wryly.
You hold back a laugh when all of a sudden you feel light headed.

It's a familiar feeling that you've experienced countless times before.
Before you can tell the others what's happening, you're out like a light.

You're in the banquet hall, sprinkling the powder onto your palms just as your friends are doing so too.
Then, the powder is everywhere. An explosion of fine dust flies towards the officials and guards. They soon collapse into a deep sleep.

The guests scream and gasp at the unified passing out.
Luhan screeches his chair back as he stands, confused and enraged.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He bellows just as the eight of you pull back your hoods, arms raised towards Luhan and muttering the chants.

"Nazari Kanta Yofay..." you whisper, over and over again as Minji instructed.
Luhan tries to act and fight back when he's hit with eight beams of light, leaving from each of the sins hands as well as yours.

"It's working!" Minji exclaims as she watches the spectacle.

The crowd gasps and murmers as Luhan is struck with multiple beams of light, bringing the deformed creature to his knees.

You expect him to disintegrate, combust, or break down and die but... he doesn't.

Instead, he rises slowly, glancing at his palms in surprise.
He didn't expect to make it out alive.
Luhan lets out a low cackle, slow and sarcastic, then it's manic, loud and shrill.

"I guess the great children of the High Court have miscalculated." He smirks before his expression grows dark.
"Now die at my hands."

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