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Surprise alternate ending, thank you for 250K!

Your eyes open as you gasp for air.
The sides of your face are instantly caressed by warm yet firm hands that feel familiar to you.

"Shhh, shhh you're okay Y/N, I've got you." Jungkook hushes, stroking your hair and helping you sit up.

"I-I had a vision." You stammer, taking in your new surroundings. Only a moment ago you were lining up in the palace halls yet now you're outside now, laying on the purple grass.

"I thought so." Jungkook nods. "You passed out so I lied to the guards and told them you got too excited and fainted. They let us come out here to the botanical garden for some fresh air."
He takes your hand and helps you stand up.
"What did you see?"

"Jungkook... the plan didn't work... I saw us shoot Luhan with all of our powers, he fell and we thought we had overpowered him...but..."

Jungkooks eyes widen and I watch in fear as the colour drains from his face.

" you mean we 'thought'?" He mumbles.

"He didn't-"
You're cut off by screaming. The screams you had heard from the crowd in your vision, just as the guards were knocked out and right before...

"They're about to transfer their powers!" You exclaim. "We need to stop them!"

Without even coming up with a plan of action, Jungkook grabs you by the hand and the two of you begin to run toward the palace halls again, hurtling past doors and guards.

Soon, you see the other Sins and your sister Minji stand in an opening, facing off with Luhan.

"Stop!" You yell, grabbing their attention. The boys falter, throwing you a puzzling look.

In that brief moment of confusion, something occurs to you

Everything is different from my vision.

Usually, your visions are completely accurate, but right now, there are a few details that seem off to you. When the attendees started screaming in your vision, you and Jungkook were already there.

If reality is different than my vision... maybe...maybe I can change the ending!

Your eyes light up with an idea that sends a spark down the length of your body.
"The plan won't work!" You hastily call out to your friends.
"Trust me... do the transfer on me."

"What?!" They scream in almost perfect unison.
You don't have time to explain but you need them to trust you.

Minji and the boys look beyond perplexed. You catch a flicker of uncertainty in their eyes so you gaze quickly toward Junkook. He too looks uncertain but his eyes soften when he sees you. A quick nod from him and you turn back to your friends ahead. Maybe it's the urgency of your tone or the look of sheer panic in your eyes, but they understand and slowly nod.

In an instant before Luhan can even begin to comprehend the situation, their arms turn toward you, palms outstretched.

They murmur the words you've been practising.

Suddenly, your hit with an excruciating pain that electrifies your whole body. Your eyes clench shut as your limbs reel from the agony.

A few moments later you gather yourself and stand straight despite the pain that threatens to cripple you.
You force your eyes to open, wincing at the surrounding bright light.

 Seven Sins [JJK]✔️ Where stories live. Discover now