4. Pride

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Your eyes flutter open.
That vision... Kim Namjoon. He's next.

Scanning your surroundings you realise you're not in the alley anymore. You're laying on a large white leather sofa in an upscale living room.

"Where am I?..." you mumble to yourself, taking in the unfamiliar environment.

"In my house."
You turn in the direction of the voice. Jungkook stands in the doorway and behind him is a lavish spiral staircase, he's out of his school uniform.

"You passed out so I had to drag your heavy body here." Jungkook says shaking his head.

"I had a vision. The next person. Kim Namjoon." You say. "Where's my bag? I need to write everything down..."

He motions to the edge of the sofa where your bag hangs over the corner. After grabbing it and taking your notebook out, you write every detail of the vision down.

"Where are your parents?..." you ask gently after putting the notebook away.

"... on a business trip. They'll be back in a week or so." He still looks torn up.

"Okay... so what happened with the whole... powers thing?" You ask, getting up and slinging your backpack on.

Jungkook sighs and walks closer towards you.
He looks around before holding his hand out for effect, then a pillow floats, spins and ends up crashing against your arm.

"Ow you idiot!" You yell which makes Jungkook laugh. "So what's your sin... what did you feel when the pain came?"

Jungkook thinks for a moment. "I was angry. Really really angry you tore my life apart." He admits with a small frown.

"Wrath. It must be." You say. "And... I'm sorry for all this. I really am."

"Its not really your fault. We're polar opposites by the way. Peace and wrath." Jungkook shakes his head with a thin smile.
"so what are we going to do now?"

"We?..." you ask hopefully.

"What kind of person would I be if I ran away from all this like a coward? To be honest I wanted to...but then I got angry that this alien freak is out to kill us." He shrugs.
"Besides, I don't think I can face my parents now... they lied to me my whole life. I'm...adopted..."

You reach out and pat him on the back.
"I'm sure they love you Jungkook. They're still family."

Jungkook shakes his head and points to the doorway.
There's a suitcase.

"I've made up my mind. I've written my parents a note that I know they're not my real parents and I'm going to travel alone for summer."

He walks to the suitcase and picks it up.
"I'll help you find the rest of... us, Y/N. So...I guess I'm spending the summer with you." He rolls his eyes in mock disgust then smiles.

".... wait... where are you planning to stay?"

Jungkook smirks and motions you over.

"At your place of course."

-A week later-

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