26. Fire

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After you finally drift off to sleep, you see something that's familiar.

It's that night you found Taehyung. You were ordering your food from the chef at the food stall. Yoongi makes a horrid noise which causes you to intensely blush and curse.
It's an out of body experience to see yourself for a third person perspective.

You wake up and look at the time....1pm.
What was that?
You're unsure what that vision meant. It was just a memory.
Deflated, you leave your bedroom to see the boys in a circle on the floor drinking and playing a card game.

"Hey Y/N!" Jimin beams and motions you over.
With a tired smile you make it over to them and sit in between him and Jungkook.
"Did you see anything?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah... sort of.." this catches everyone's attention. They put down their cards and soju bottle to fully pay attention to you.

"I saw a memory. It was the night we found Taehyung. Remember when we were at that food stall Yoongi? You were embarrassing me and stuff?" You say looking at Yoongi. He chuckles and nods.

"Well that was what I saw." You pout and shrug. "I have no idea why I saw that." You sigh.

"There's always a reason why you see things." Namjoon points out. "Was there anyone else there?"

You think for a moment. "Just me, Yoongi and the chef." You shrug. Yoongi moans, startling you.

"Idiot! If it's not me and you since we already know about everything- the vision must have been to tell you it's the chef that's next!" Yoongi exclaim. You stifle a gasp as you rethink your vision.

"Guys he's right. Oh my god the chef is the next person? What do you think his sin is?" You ramble. The guys shake their head.

"There's only two left Pabo. He's a chef, he must be gluttony." Jungkook nudges you with his shoulder.

"Should we go now?" Jimin suggests but shakes his head after glancing at his phone. "Never mind, his food stall is only open on weekends. It's Friday so..." He shrugs.

"Let's just practise this afternoon then get some rest then." Namjoon says.
"What? No!" Taehyung whines. Namjoon shakes his head and turns his parent mode on.
"Taehyung, we need to master our skills to take on Luhan and the Sakers." He instructs as if Taehyung's a child.

"That's right TaeTae." Yoongi teases to annoy him.
"Alright alright. Let's go then. We've got to wake up early tomorrow." You say.

By 9am the next morning, each of you are changed and ready to head out.
You all make your way to the market street where the chefs noodle stall should be.

As you approach where his stall was... it's missing.
"Where is it?" Jungkook asks.

"It should be right here..." you reply, staring at the empty slot.

"Do you think he moved his stall somewhere else?" Joon says, looking around the area.

"Hold on."
You stop the first passerby you see. An elderly man.

"Hi. Do you know what happened to the noodle stall that was here?" You ask politely.

"Didn't you hear?" The elderly man points to the area where his stall should be.
"It went up in flames a few days ago so the fire fighters had to come and put it out. They were pretty quick to remove the leftover pieces. Probably because it was hazardous to pedestrians."

"Thank you." You bow.

"Went up in flames?" Yoongi questions. "Do you think that was an accident or...?"

"Maybe... but how are we going to find him?" Jimin sighs.

"Hey Y/N, you should compel the owner of that stall to tell us where the noodle chef lives. They work next to each other so they should know, right?" Taehyung suggests, pointing to the stall next to where the noodle one was. The others hum in agreement.

You head to the neighbouring stall that sells fish cakes.
"Tell me where the chef who cooked in the noodle stall next to yours lives."

The woman puts down the fish cake as her eyes gloss over.
"The apartment complex on Bims Street. Apartment number 15."

You nod and walk back to the boys.
"Apartment 15 on Bims Street. Lets go."

After walking for a while, you finally enter the apartment complex and take the elevator to level 3.
Eventually, you and the boys find apartment 15 and knock.

No answer.
"I have an idea. Illegal but we're running out of time." Joon whispers.

He examines the door knob then puts his head to the lock.
You soon hear clicks and after a few seconds, the door unlocks.

"Woah how did you do that?!" Taehyung gasps.

"Easy, I just moved the lock mechanism around and waited till I heard the click." Joon explains, opening the door with his mind.

Impressed, the guys pat him on the shoulder as they walk into the apartment.

"Hello?" You call out even though the lights are off.

"I don't think he's here Y/N." Jungkook laughs.

"Still, I thought we should be polite."

"Polite? We just broke in." Yoongi scoffs.
You roll your eyes and keep walking till you find yourself in the living room. You look around, wide eyed until you look down at the person laying on the floor, passed out.

"Guys!" You yell. The boys come running to you and stop when they see a passed out man sprawled across the floor, alcohol at hand.

Soju bottles are scattered across the room with a bunch of papers.
As Jungkook and Yoongi inspect the guy, you and the others pick up the pieces of paper.

'Fire. Gas off. Humid day. No sparks, no ignition. Where did the flames come from?'
You read.

"He's printed a bunch of scientific research on fire and combustion without ignition..." Namjoon says, flicking through pages and pages of scattered things.

"Fire." Jimin says. "Is that his power?"

"All signs point to yes." Yoongi mutters.

Suddenly, the mans eyes flicker open. When he sees all of you, he scrambles away and backs off into a corner.

"Who the hell are you guys? What are you doing in my house!" He yells, standing up.

"Don't be afraid." You say.
The man looks around frantically.

Joon holds up the pages of research.
"I think you'll want to listen to us."

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