17. Invitation

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The teacher introduces himself and tells you both to sit at the the empty table at the back.
As you walk to your desk, your eyes never leave Jimin. He's chatting to his seat-mate and not paying the two of you much attention.

"Is that him? You're staring." Jungkook mutters to you as he sits down. You nod and take the seat next to him which is right beside the window.

"That's him, Park Jimin. Which sin do you think he looks like?" You ask Jungkook, still staring.

"I dunno... is being handsome but cute at the same time a sin?" Jungkook jokes.

You laugh slightly and shrug. "It's a sin in my books." You turn back to the front, where he is sitting.

"There's three left,  he could be greed, or gluttony or lust... right?" You ask Jungkook.

"Well you're a Pax, I'm wrath, Yoongis Sloth, Namjoons pride and Taehyungs envy- right? He was envious of normal families?"

You nod your head. "Yeah, so that leaves lust, gluttony and greed."

"Looks like someone's done some learning." Yoongi whispers in your ear. You widen your eyes and look behind you to your right, where Yoongi should be standing.

You pull a finger to your lips, telling him to be quiet. You feel someone poke your cheek, followed by a stifled low giggle.
"Yoongi! Shhh." You harshly whisper.

"Hey! You two at the back, be quiet." The teacher bellows across the classroom. You both instantly shut up then face the front.

"As I was saying, the New School Year is coming up so we need to start revising and relearning old topics for the New Years exams." He addresses the class. Loud groans and grumbles flutter around the classroom.

"Oh stop moaning- this is summer school for a reason!" He chuckles

You and Jungkook both share a worried look.
If the new school year is soon, then so is the Solar Eclipse. Then.... Luhan has the power source to travel here and destroy the world as we know it.

"Kook..." you start. "I completely forgot about the Solar Eclipse it's so close..."

"I know Y/N... it's okay, we only have three more people to go, basically two after Jimin. Then we'll be able to take Luhan down, don't worry. We've got this." Jungkook reassures you and does a small 'fighting' gesture which makes you smile.

All through the morning, you keep worrying about the Solar Eclipse, it is dauntingly close.
By lunchtime, you still couldn't figure out Jimins sin.

You walk behind Jimin with Jungkook and the invisible Yoongi.
"I've been listening in on Jimins conversations but I still don't know what his sin could be." Yoongi sighs quietly.

"Don't stress, it's only been half a day so far." You tell him, you then hear him laugh which makes you whip around to shush him. "Shh what are you doing?" You ask in a hushed whisper.

"Sorry, it just hit me how hectic these past couple of days have been. But it feels right. Like us guys were destined to be together." He mumbles. You smile at his heartfelt confession.

"I actually agree. We haven't known eachother for long but I feel... comfortable around you and the other guys. Maybe it's the fact that we all knew each other once upon a time..." Jungkook admits to Yoongi.

"I couldn't agree more guys." You beam then hush them one more time before walking through the cafeteria doors. You see Jimin and his friends sit at a rowdy table at the centre of the cafeteria. The popular table.

"Hmm looks like he's Mr Popular." Jungkook jokes as he sees Jimin laugh with some more handsome guys.

"This kind of makes me feel bad for trying to unlock his powers. What if he doesn't want them awoken?" You say.
Yoongi sighs and you feel his hand on your shoulder.

"Y/N, trust me, it's better that we activate it in a controlled way then him doing it on his own... like Taehyung did. You never know what could happen."

"He's right. Jimin could be a danger to himself or other. Besides, what if he comes across the Sakers on his own like Taehyung did?" Jungkook adds.

You nod, fully understanding what they were saying. You all move to sit on the empty table next to Jimins. You continue to stare at him, even as you sat. You have to admit... he's eye candy, but besides that, you have a mission.

Jungkook gets up and nods towards the lunch line. "Wait here, I'll get us some food to eat." He says then bends lower to whisper
"and something for you as well." And with that he turns and leaves to queue up.

As you're staring at Jimin, something- or someone, blocks your line of view.

"Hey, I'm Jackson Wang." A devilishly handsome guy says. He smirks at you then sits on the opposite seat.
"You're new right? Your looks aren't one a guy could easily forget..."

You furrow your eyebrows. "Yeah, I'm Y/N L/N" You say, uncomfortable under his piercing gaze.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He states. All you can do is just awkwardly chuckle. You feel a pat on you arm and you remember that Yoongi is here too.
Ugh so embarrassing.

"I'm literally a second away from making myself visible and slapping some sense in to this boy." Yoongi harshly whispers in your ear. You cough and try to discreetly tell Yoongi to not do anything stupid.

"Did you say something?" Jackson asks you confused. You shake your head.
"No! No, you must have heard someone else talking." You say then muster up an innocent smile. He shrugs then grins at you again.

"So... are you single?" He presses on.

You internally sigh. "Whatever you're gonna ask, it's a no."

"Aw come on? Do you want to go on a date?" He begs and inches closer to you over the table which makes you back away.

"No, seriously, I'm good." You say but he reaches out to grab your hand. You hear Yoongi  mutter a few curse words but you don't want to cause a scene.
Jackson clutches your hand and you try to lightly pull away, but he has no intention of letting go.

"Come on! Just one date?" He pleads again. You open your mouth to tell him to back off but someone beats you to it.

"I believe she already said no." You look up to see Jungkook glare at Jackson then roughly place the two trays of food on the table. Relief floods you when he proceeds to pry Jackson off of you.

"What are you? Her boyfriend? Cause if you're not then-" Jackson was cut off once again by Jungkook who was visibly boiling with anger.

"Yeah. I am her boyfriend. So get off her." Jungkook spits through gritted teeth. You try to ignore the explosion of tingles in your stomach to play along with it.

"We started dating last year- we transferred here together for the summer school program." You say, trying to act as if what you're saying is real. Jackson looks deflated as he glances at Jungkook.

"Sorry dude, it was a dare. Jimin told me to try and get a date with the new girl." Jackson defends but that only makes Jungkook angrier.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." Jungkook says in a calm yet murderous tone.
You reach out and grab Jungkooks hand. To make the whole dating thing believable and to calm him down- his wrathful anger can get out of hand... and because... for some reason you just wanted to.

"It's alright. I really don't care." You shrug, still stroking small soothing circles into his hand. He smiles a small smile at you then sits down on the seat next to yours.

"I really am sorry, I didn't know she was taken." Jackson says.
"Look, as an apology, how about you come to the party I'm throwing this weekend. It's at Pentingville road, house 267."

Jungkook scoffs and is about to reject his offer when an idea struck.
He's friends with Jimin, that means he'll be at the party!
You kick Jungkooks leg under the table. He winces and glares at you.

"Everyone's going to be going right?" You ask Jackson in a sweet voice. He nods and grins.
"Obviously, it's a party thrown by one of the Kingkas." (A/N: kingkas= popular school boy group.)
Jackson grins proudly and nods again.

"Great, we'd love to go."

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