40. Into the woods

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You're woken up by a light tap on your shoulder.
Once your eyes focus, you register Jimin, standing next to your bed with a warm smile.

"Good morning sleepy head."

You yawn and get off the bed.
"Morning. What time is it?"

After glancing at his phone he tells you it's 8am. You both decide to head back to the Company. If Yoongi, Minji and Jin are looking for you, it'd be there because that's the last place they know you went to.

After a short trek through a few streets, you both make it to the astronomy Company but your friends are nowhere to be seen.

"They would've been looking for us by now." Jimin mumbles and you hum in agreement.

"I'm worried Jimin. What if something happened to them in the woods?" You frown.
"I've still got no signal so I can't even call them."

"Should we go look for them? They said they'd start near the campgrounds then go inwards from there..." Jimin wonders.
You rapidly nod, knowing you can't just wait around for your signal to come back or for your friends to find you because they could be in trouble.

With fast, worried steps, you both rush towards the campgrounds which was a 30 minute walk away from where you started. Once there, you both gaze into the isolated wilderness of thick, dense trees and dirt before venturing in...

"Jimin we're so lost."
You groan,  not knowing the direction you even came from.
You and Jimin have been searching for Minji and the boys for a good hour or so.
Admittedly, it's your own fault for not marking the direction you came from.

"We're not lost. We came.... from over... there?" He says pointing to the left, sounding more like he was asking a question than saying a statement.

"Let's just keep searching." You say, rolling your eyes.
You take a step forward and almost trip on a branch when Jimin catches you by grabbing your arm.

"Watch where you're going pabo." Jimin laughs, shaking his head.
This reminds you of that day... just before entering the clearing, Jungkook stopped you from tripping too.

"Thanks." You say, a little sadly.

You both continue walking through the woods. Awhile after, you spot something on the ground.
A grey knitted scarf.

"That's Seokjins isn't it!" You exclaim, picking it up to show Jimin. He inspects it and nods.

"What's it doing here?... This must mean we're on the right track." He smiles.
You grin and keep walking together.

It feels strange. It feels strange to be walking through the woods, almost relaxing after all the stress you've been through. But there's another emotion that overcomes you too. Sadness.

You want Jungkook here, enjoying nature with you. You want Taehyung and Namjoon and Hoseok to be running around here too, making you smile with their silliness.

Ever since they were taken, a huge chunk of your soul went with them. You can't help but feel empty. That's why you need to find them. You need to find the rest of your soulmates.

"Y/N..." Jimin starts, making you turn to him.

He fumbles with his hands and looks up to the sky with a sigh.

"What is it?" You ask, starting to become worried with his anxious expression.

"I... I know this isn't the right time." He says.
"But ever since I met you I... what I'm trying to say is that... I know you're going to hate me for springing this on you but I need to get it off my chest."

You smile warmly and nod. "I could never hate you. You won't hurt my feeling, be honest." You shrug.

"Y/N... I think... I think I L-"

"Did you hear that?" You say, stopping him mid sentence. Jimin furrows his eyebrows at you as you stop walking and look around.
You listen again, concentrating.

You hear it again, a slight murmur.
"There! Did you hear it?"

You start walking in the direction of it.
"Come on, I think it's them!"
Jimin picks up the pace too.

After a few seconds of speed-walking, you're knocked to the ground. You fall backwards onto the dirt with a throbbing forehead.

"Y/N! What happened?!" Jimin exclaims, helping you back up.

"I was walking and... I think I hit something?" You say, just as confused as Jimin. You look in the direction you were walking and see nothing. Not even a tree.

"Y/N?" Someone says in front of you.

"Minji?!" You call, recognising the voice.

"It is you! How are you here?! Hold on..." she says. You hear a few clicks and a few moments later, a large egg-shaped, brown, metal thing appears in front of you.

"Oh my god." Jimin gasps at the thing.

You feel a strong gust of wind as the front of it pushes out and upwards.
"Is this... is this a pod?!" You beam as Minji, Yoongi and Jin step out of it.

Minji nods with a smile.
It's far smaller than you imagined. Way smaller than Luhans gigantic ship.
The pod is about a head taller than Jin and could probably fit three people maximum but only has one seat inside.

You eagerly step into it with Jimin, amazed at everything. There's an array of buttons, leavers and screens encompassing the seat and a window directly in front of the seat that can't be seen from the other side.
How the hell are we going to learn how to fly this thing without crashing it?!

"How did you find us?" Yoongi asks.

"It's a long story." You sigh, handing Jin his scarf.

Jimin starts explaining what happened yesterday and you happily take your phone to show the photo you took of the document.
Minji reads the listed locations of sightings on your phone with a widening grin.

"Y/N, this is going to make the search SO much easier. We were searching the whole night for this one egg. You both did great!"
A little teary eyed you nod and smile.

"We're almost there." You whisper.
Minji smiles and hugs you.

As you pull away you hear a loud gargling sound.
All of your stare at Jins flushed face before breaking out into laughter.

"Hungry?" Jimin grins.

"Oh gluttons." Yoongi teases while Jin glares at all of you.

"I haven't eaten in hours! Let's get this thing in the truck then eat." He begs.

You chuckle and shoot him a thumbs up.
"Sounds good to me." You catch Jimin staring at the ground with a sad expression which reminds you of how rudely you cut him off earlier.
"Oh yeah, what were you saying earlier Jimin?"

He looks up at you almost panicked. He shakes his head hastily and smiles a tight lipped smile.
"Nothing important. Let's go."

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