36. ...the Storm

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Although you've seen Luhan before... this time is more real. He's here, in the flesh, stepping down the ramp and onto the grass followed by a man and a woman.

The man is someone Luhan introduced to you before in a vision. Kai, you recall.
The other is your sister, Minji.

"You have all gathered here... as if you're expecting me..." Luhan hisses.
You can practically hear the Sins breath hitch in their throat.
They're frozen in place from fear.

After a few seconds of silence Namjoon croaks a response.
"W-we realised we can't beat you." He starts.

Luhan slows his walking and stops a few feet from you eight, with his followers behind him.

Namjoon takes a breath before continuing.
"So we'd like to join you. Help you take over earth."
That's our cue.

Under your breath you start whispering the chant but before you even get half way,
Luhan swings his arm horizontally, sending out  some strange red mist.

It travels at lightening speed and forms a tight collar around each of your necks.
"Surprised?" Luhan taunts with a smirk.
He turns around to Minji and grabs her by the neck, raising her off her feet. She tries to pry his hand off to no avail.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out about your little plan to kill me?" He spits, throwing her down.

"M-master I promise I h-have no idea what you're talking about." She pleads but Luhan sends out another red mist at her, forming a collar around her neck.
"Vermin." He hisses, kicking her over.

"What is this!" Yoongi tells, grabbing his neck.

"It weakens you, so much so you can't perform any rituals." Kai snickers.

How are we going to kill him then?!

Luhan twirls his hands and up from the shadows casted by the trees, more than a dozen Sakers emerge, standing still and waiting for commands.

"As much as I want to destroy each and everyone of you, I don't plan on doing it so soon." Luhan announces.
"Earth is meaningless to me, human souls will eventually arrive at Orcus anyway. I'm merely here for you."
He looks at the eight of you.

Luhan begins walking with his hands behind his back, almost in thought.
"I could kill you all and take your powers, however, that would end up killing me, wouldn't it?"
He knew...
"But wouldn't it be such a waste if I let you all live?"

"Let us go!" Jungkook growls.

Luhan stops walking and glares at him.
You turn to Jungkook and grab his arm.
"Don't say anything, it will only anger him more." You whisper, hoping he'll calm down.
Jungkook looks at you before reluctantly nodding.

Luhan continues walking.
"So the decision is simple. Kill you and ultimately kill myself... or...imprison you on Orcus and make you use your powers for me."

You stifle a gasp before yelling "I'd rather be dead than a slave for you!"

Luhan stares at you for a few seconds before breaking out into laughter. He laughs so uncontrollably, his mask almost slides off.
He clicks his tongue and unties it anyway, revealing his deformed, evil face.

You hear the boys gasp at his inhuman appearance.

"Oh Pax... why would I want to use your useless powers? I'm only interested in a few of you."

You're stunned... who could want to take?

Luhans eyes begin glowing a deep crimson red. Just then, a Saker start moving, walking towards Taehyung.

"No!" You all yell as the Saker begins dragging Taehyung towards Luhan.

"Get off! Get off me!" Taehyung screams.

You try to me but your feet stop you. Panicked, you glance down to find a black gooey substance over your feet.
Hastily, you look at the Sins feet...
Only some have the gunk smothered on their feet.
... Namjoon and Hoseok don't have it...

Two more Sakers march towards the group of you, grabbing Namjoon and Hoseok.

"No! Please Luhan! Take me instead! Please let them go!" You cry but Luhan doesn't even look at you, he stands there shaking from laughter at the strife.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung struggle in the Sakers grasp but they're unable to escape.

"Ah, Master!" Kai suddenly says. "You 'disposed' of the incompetent healer recently..."
He look towards Jungkook.
"We need a new one."

Luhan forms an 'O' shape with his mouth, as if he just remembered.
He nods then flicks his hands towards Jungkook, then back again.

The black ooze on his feet disappear.
"No... no J-Jungkook...." you stammer, frantically looking between the Saker making its way towards you, and Jungkook who looks just as stricken as you.

"Y/N..." he mumbles, eyes tearing up, not knowing what to say.
He steps closer to you and with a sniffle, he brings a hand up to your face, caressing it lovingly.
"I'm sorry Y/N...Forget about me."

You shake your head.
"No! Please don't Jungkook! Please!" You cry, voice cracking.

Jungkook shuts his eyes and lets out a shaky sigh. Pained, he removes his hand from your cheek and limply drops it to his side.

"No!" You exclaim, reaching out for him but he backs away.
"You're  a liar! You said you'll never leave me!"
The tears don't stop flowing.
"Don't go! Please!"

Jungkook breaks down into sobs and shakes his head as the Saker grabs him by the arm.
"I love you Y/N!" He yells before the beast drags him away.

Luhan clears his throat and grins.
"Well this has been fun." He says, shooing the four Sakers holding your friends onto the ship with a flick of his hand.

He then turns to Minji.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Luhan spits with anger.

Minji crawls to Luhans feet.
"I'm s-sorry. Please spare me. I'll never make another mistake again."

Luhan scoffs and kicks her hands away.

Without another glance, he and Kai stride towards the ship and walk on board.

Before the door shuts, Luhan flashes a sickeningly twisted smile.
His eyes glow red again, but this time, a much brighter, stronger red beam of light shoots from his pupils, illuminating the dark forest blood red.

The Sakers animate, straighten menacingly as though they've been reenergised.

Luhan stares at the four of you after flicking a discarded glance at Minji...
"Kill them all."

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