18. Grade A Player

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Jungkook flicks you on the forehead as Jackson walks back to Jimins rowdy table.

"Ow!" You groan as you rub the sore spot on your forehead. "What was that for?!"

Jungkook audibly sighs. "Why would you say we're going to that annoying guys party?!" He moans in annoyance.

"Because, Jimin is the one who dared him." You say which makes him roll his eyes.

"Don't even get me started on that guy- who we're supposed to go on a frickin quest with.... But what does he have to do with the party."

"Jungkook use your brain! Jimin is friends with the guy who is throwing the party- so he'll be there." You explain to him and Yoongi. As soon as he realises he gasps and smiles.

"So we can observe Jimin and hopefully unlock his powers!" Jungkook mutters.

"Guys don't look now but... Jimins staring at us... well more like at Y/N." Yoongi whispers.

You slowly turn towards Jimins table, and true to what Yoongi said, Jimin was amongst his chattering friends looking directly at you. When you both make eye contact, Jimin slowly smirks and salutes in your direction.

"Does he think he's cute or something?" You grimace and recoil.

"Do you think he's lust then?" Yoongi whispers.
Jungkook nods in agreement "I think he is."

Yoongi nudges your shoulder before speaking. "You should compel someone to talk about Jimins reputation. See what we can dig up?"
You nod your head and agree to that idea.
Jungkook spots a girl walking past your table and stops her with a dazzling smile.

The girl gives into his charms and sits on the lunch table. Without wasting a moment, you lean in and ask her.

"Tell me honestly, what do you think of Jimin, what do the other students view him as?"
The girl thinks for 0.2 seconds before quickly answering.

"Easy. Jimins a grade A player. He's probably flirted with more than fifty percent of the girls in our year. Basically, there's three types of girls in the world- the girls he's been with, those who he's going to get with and finally the type that wish he'd date them but it won't ever happen."

You look at Jungkook and raise an eyebrow.
"Well that was easier than I thought. Lust. Has to be." You say. You hear them hum in agreement.
You turn back to the girl to look into her eyes.

"Thank you. Now, you're  going to get up and leave. Forget our conversation. If anyone asks, we talked about how cute your hair looks." An with that you wave her off.

"Wow, that will never get old." Yoongi sighs in awe.
You flick your dark straight hair off your shoulder and grin.
"I know, I'm awesome."

Jungkook groans and ruffles your hair.
"Come on, let's quickly eat and get back to class."

The rest of the school day was painfully boring. After school ends, you discreetly manipulate Mr Mark to not ask you or Jungkook to do any homework- Jungkook swore he'd hulk smash all the desks if he had to do any.

You then go back to the hotel to hang out with the boys and tell them all you know about Jimin.
At nightfall, the four of you go to the empty park to practice again and again.

The next couple of days went like this too. Stalking Jimin at school, chilling with the boys in the afternoon and practicing whenever you can.

You didn't dream of anything worthwhile. The only thing you saw was a run down building on Orcus one night.

Before you knew it, the weekends come and you're woken up by pots and pans clanging together again... like every. Single. Morning.

With a groan you get up and stomp out of your bedroom. You take your hair band out of your ponytail and let your hair flow around your shoulders as you walk to Yoongis room.

"Jesus Christ, get up Yoongi!" You exclaim when you see the familiar scene of Yoongi gripping onto the bed frame as Taehyung and Jungkook pull him by the legs and Joon bashing pots and pans together.

"It's Saturday!!!" Yoongi cries, still holding on for dear life. Jungkook tugs him extra hard.... and Yoongi flings backwards landing on his butt.
"Ow Jungkook!" Yoongi groans as he stands up rubbing his butt.
Jungkook ducks his head and apologises while laughing.

"Come on kids, we've got to get ready for the party." You say. Yoongi instantly perks up and pumps a fist into the air.

"Okay, let's go through the plan again... I kinda forgot." Jungkook admits.

You giggle and nod. "I'll get dolled up and... try to seduce Jimin, because he's lust. I'll lure him into a bedroom and hopefully by then he'll be at his peak lust." You start, cringing already.

"Then Joon, Tae and you will enter along with the invisible Yoongi then we explain. If he doesn't believe us then Yoongi will turn back to being visible... then we'll explain about Tae because he probably has seen the news."

Taehyung looks at the ground slightly sad. Joon forms a thin smile and pats his back.
"Don't worry Taehyung, everyone knows your innocent but Jimin might be a little nervous." Joon soothes.

Taehyung slowly looks up.
"It's okay, I deserve whatever hate I get because I still took a mans life. No matter how horrible he was or the fact that it was an accident, there's still blood on my hands."

You frown at him. "Stop it, you don't deserve shit from others as much as any one of us do. Joon and I almost hurt someone too. When your abilities gets unlocked, the surge of power can be overwhelming and every little thought can create a wave of power. It's really not your fault so please don't feel bad about it."

He sighs before looking into your eyes and nodding.
"Come here." You say with arms wide open. He walks over and moulds into your embrace.
"We're a team. We've got each others backs Alright." You say soothingly as you pat his back. You feel him nod against you which makes you smile.

You pull away and clasp your hands together.
"Alright boys- it's times to go shopping!" You squeal as the boys groan.

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