23. Crime scene

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You spin around to the boys who are behind you.
"Saker! It's here!" You yell. In an instant the boys smiles fall flat.
Jungkook pushes his sleeves up and looks in the direction of it. The people around the Saker start to notice it too.

The thing takes a crippled step towards the four of you. Then another.
It keeps getting closer to you until someone steps in-front of it.

"Dude, this isn't a Halloween party, get that shit off, it's scaring the ladies." He says then takes a chug of beer.
The Saker turns its distorted head towards the guy who boldly spoke to it.
Without a second of hesitation, it stabs its hands into the guys chest.
You let out a shriek as the man drops his cup and blood trickles out from the corner of his lips.

You are too scared to move, too scared to do anything. Everything hazes but you make out people screaming and rushing away, some guys run to it to help the boy on the floor- only to be impaled themselves.

You feel someone grab your shoulders, suddenly, Jungkook comes into view.
"Y/N! Y/N! Snap out of it!" He yells at you, shaking you slightly.

"We have to stop it, we need to work together, how'd you stop it last time?" He asks in panic.

"Y-Yoongi, he used his telekinesis to k-kill it."
Jungkooks nods at you then turns and runs towards it with Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon.
You feel useless, too afraid to look at it again.

You then notice Jimin, frozen like you, staring at the thing who's looking down at the bloody pile of bodies it's created.

You run to him.
"Jimin!" You call, snapping him out of the craze.
He looks at you with an expression of anguish.
"Is that.. is that a Saker?!" He says, voice laced with shock.
You try to answer, but your voice only croaks. Cursing at yourself for not being able to articulate, you to nod instead.

You grab his hand. "T-this is why we need you Jimin. Please help us."
He doesn't reply, he just stares at the Saker in fear.

You sigh and turn back towards the monster. With accelerating steps, you walk towards the chaos.
Everyone's left the room now, some people go straight outside while other cower in the kitchen, you can hear their sobs from where you are.

Namjoon hovers the tv, before flinging it towards the creature. The tv knocks it down, only for it to rise a second later.

"What do we do?!" You hear Taehyung yell.
Suddenly, as quick as it appeared, the Saker immediately drops to the ground and disappears in black smoke, leaving not even a trace behind.

The five of you stand frozen and confused.
Namjoon is the first to speak. "What... what just happened?" He croaks.

Yoongi shakes his head and walks towards the space it was in. "This is what happened when we saved Taehyung... but we thought we killed it. Did we not?" Yoongi asks you.

You shake your head hesitantly. "I...shit, never mind that- what do we do about these poor people." You frown looking at the bodies with blood oozing out of them, forming a growing puddle or red stickiness.
Three innocent lives taken.

You hear a plop, which makes you turn your head to the left. Jimin is on his knees, hands clawing at the carpet. "My... my friends! It-it killed them." He sobs.

"Jimin... I'm so sorry for your loss." You say.
Jimin snaps his head towards you.

"You're sorry? It's your fault that this happened- you all lured that thing here." He spat, glaring at each of you.
You look back at the bodies on the ground. Was it really your fault?

"No." You look up to the person with the stern voice.
"No. It's not her fault or our fault. With or without us, that thing would've found you the second you unlocked your powers." Jungkook states.

Taehyung steps up and nods. "Namjoons right. It found me too, killed my sister- I told you. Don't blame her or us, though we are sorry for your loss."

Jimin only pouts and puts his head in his hands.
"You're right... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just... I.." he stammers in between sobs. "Can you s-save them? Heal them?" He pleads, begging Jungkook.

You all stare at Jungkook who gulps and squats down to the masses of bodies. With a deep breath he hovers a hand over one of Jimins friends...

"I..." Jungkook starts. "I don't feel any energy. They're gone Jimin...I can't heal the dead." He frowns.

Jimin begins to sob uncontrollably as Jungkook stands up again, looking regretful. You shake your head at Jungkook and tell him it's alright, he did all he could.

"I'm sorry... it's just not fair, my friends did nothing wrong." Jimin cries, burying his face in his hands.

"It's okay. We know, we get it. But just trust me when I say, this is not going to stop. Not until Luhan gets taken down." Yoongi says.

You stand up from your crouching position and hold out your hand for Jimin. He looks at it for a second too long so you dejectedly retract your hand, only for Jimin to instantly grab it. With a small smile, you pull him up.

"Thank you Jimin." Joon says with a sad smile and pats him on the back. "Before proper introductions... let's clear this up." Joon then looks to the pile of bodies and frowns.

"I have an idea, we could make it look like a murder scene." Taehyung suggests. You nod, it could potentially be doable.
"We can't let people know about Sakers- but we have witnesses to it." Yoongi adds.

Joon snaps his fingers together, signalling he has an idea.
"Taehyung, conjure up some drugs or alcohol, whatever comes to mind." He instructs to the confused Taehyung.

"Okay... but where are you going with this?" Taehyung asks as he clicks his knuckles.

"We make it seem like this party was way out of hand, people were extremely intoxicated. Then people saw a guy, dressed up in a black costume. That's where Y/N comes in. Make the people that are still here believe that a person stabbed Jimins friends to death before running off." Namjoon instructs.

"Jungkook go with Y/N to make sure people don't run away. Yoongi, we'll help Tae with scattering the drugs and alcohol and Jimin... we'll give you some time to...say goodbye to your friends." Joon turns to Jimin, softening his expression.

Jimin slowly nods.

You all nod your heads in understanding before dispersing off to complete the task at hand.

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