41. Ready

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1 month later

You feel your phone buzz in your pocket as you stir the pot of noodles with a wooden spoon.
After grabbing the phone with one hand, you answer it and put it to your ear.

"Y/N!" Yoongi yells on the other end, making you move the phone away from your ear.

"Stop yelling at tell my why you called." You sigh.

"We found the last pod. Y/N, we have five now!" He exclaims. You feel woozy, almost faint.
The day you've been waiting for is finally here, after you and your friends renovate this pod, you should be set to go.

"Hurry and bring it back home guys!" You exclaim back before hanging up and turning the stove off.
With a smile, you run to the gym and spot Jimin on the treadmill. When he sees you, he pulls out his earphones and stops running.

"Why do you look so happy?" He asks with a smile. "Is it what I think it is?"

You clap excitedly and nod.
"They found another! We have all the pods we need!" You beam before running down the hall.

"Wait up!" He calls but you laugh and keep running.
You eventually reach the glass door and push it open to head down the staircase leading to the basement. Flicking on the lights, you stand in awe at the four pods.

Over the last month Minji has been teaching you all how to control each of the metal egg machines. Ultimate goal- don't end up as scrambled eggs.
That joke didn't lighten anyone's mood when you cracked it a few weeks ago...

Minji hoped that the pods auto-take off would be intact, which means you don't need to control anything.
It would have been an easy ride like it was when you and the sins came to earth, however, the mechanism isn't working so you all needed to learn how to take off.

You and Jimin were tasked with finding and buying things that could be replaced like oxygen tanks, air compressors and other equipment for the pods that were faulty or not working.

Now that everything is complete and the final pod is arriving soon, nothing is stopping you from getting Jungkook and your friends back.

"It's amazing isn't it." Jimin says, hopping down the stairs to you.

"I can't believe we're the only ones on Earth who know about all of this." You mumble, shaking your head. Jimin hums in agreement, gazing at the pods lined up against the back wall with you.

Directly above the the pods is a line of windows that Jimin and Jin converted into a horizontal remote controlled door.
With a push of a button, the metal panel slides open, revealing the sky above.

This renovation made it so much easier when practising. You all used to carry out each pod into the garden and let's just say, you got tired of slapping pain relief patches onto your back.

"I've been thinking..." Jimin says out of the blue. You look to him and raise an eyebrow.


"What if... I really hope not but what if... Luhan... killed them?"

It's a punch to the gut to hear that from him.
"H-how could you..." you gasp.
"No. I know they're alive Jimin..."

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