37. The wreck after

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You're frozen. You can't hear or focus on anything . All you can think about is Jungkook getting dragged away.
That's all you see. Over and over again.

"y/n..." you hear faintly from your right.
"Y/N!" Louder this time. It snaps you out from your haze.

You turn to the right to see Jimin looking at you, panicked, then pointing to the Sakers, getting closer and closer to the four of you.

"Jin! Get the flame spheres ready!" Yoongi bellows.
Jin wipes his eyes before forming a ball with his palms.
From the centre, flames grow, forming a sphere of fire.
He hurls it at a Saker.

The flame sphere completely disintegrates the beast, turning it into ash.
"It worked!" Jin exclaims, creating more and more spheres.

"Keep making them, we'll levitate it at the Sakers!" Jimin yells.

As the boys thrust flame spheres at the Sakers, you look up at the darkening evening sky.
"Where are you Jungkook?" You whisper.
You then feel your neck and feet loosen up.

Confused, you glance down to see the black goo melt away.
"Did it go by itself?" You whisper.

"Y/N watch out!" Jimin yells.
You snap your head up and in front of you, a Saker snarls, getting dangerously close. It's grotesque claws almost reach your face when
all of a sudden, it turns into a fine dust and falls to the ground.

"You're welcome." Jimin says with an relieved expression. "Snap out of it and help us!"

You shake your head, waking yourself up and nod.
I can't break down now. I need to help them.
After Jin makes another sphere, you throw it at another Saker, killing the thing.

"Only a few left!" Jin says, glancing at the three Sakers.
Soon enough, they're all ash.

You slump down onto the grass, pulling your knees into your chest. You can't control the tears spilling from your eyes and you don't try to stop yourself either.

Minji slowly gets up from across the field and walks towards the four of you. She seems lifeless, lacking emotion.

She walks towards you and squats.
Without saying anything, she gently places her arms around you as you cry.
You hear her sniffle.
Is she crying too?

"I'm sorry Y/N. It's all my fault." She whispers.

You push her away and look into her eyes.
"What do you mean your fault? What did you do Minji?"
You shake her by the shoulders.

"I-I told Kai about your plan..." she mumbles.
"I thought I could trust him..."
You get up, fuming with rage. You're completely stunned by her confession.

"Why?" You breathe, anger bubbling inside of you.

Minji rakes a shaky hand through her hair.
"I don't know... I thought maybe he could help... I trusted him Y/N. I-I loved him..."

"Y-you... how could you?! If it weren't for you... Luhan would be dead... Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook would still be with us!" You yell.

Jimin grabs your shoulder.
"Calm down Y/N..."
You scoff and push him away. He looks at you, hurt.

"Calm down? Calm down?! They're gone Jimin. GONE."
Tears pool at your eyes again, threatening to spill out. "Get up." You tell Minji and pull her up by the arms.
"Is there a way we can get to Orcus? Anyway to bring them back?"

Minji looks at the ground and stays silent.

"You said that we couldn't defeat Luhan. You said that I needed to kill the sins to take him down, but there was another way. There must be another way now too." You say, pleading almost.

"Y/N..." Minji stammers unable to say no.
You let go of her shoulders and back away.

"Please." You sob and fall to your knees.
Yoongi, Jin and Jimin bend down to your level.

"We'll find a way Y/N." Jin says in between sniffles, patting your shoulder.

"We won't stop looking for a way." Yoongi assures.

Jimin pushes stray strands of hair off your face and tucks it behind your ears.
"We'll get them back Y/N. I promise. We will."
You dab at your eyes and nod.

Suddenly, you stand up.
"Ice bath. I'll take an ice bath to envision them." You announce but Minji sighs and shakes her head.

"Red collars. Luhan will keep the red mist collars on them. It stops them from being affected by any rituals or powers. It'll block you from envisioning them."

What can I do then? What can I do?!

Deflated, you look to the boys.
"I...I can't just move on... I can't just forget about them... how could he even ask me to do that." You whisper, remembering how Jungkook told you to forget about him.
You saw this happen a couple of nights ago... but he said he'll never leave you then he did.

Jimin pulls you into a hug.
With one of his hands, he strokes the back of your head but you can't find the strength to hug him back.

"Let's go back to Hoseoks house and figure out a way to fix this." He says and you nod weakly against him.

A few hours later, you're back at the mansion. It seems even bigger now, emptier.

You all sit around the table in your usual seats, Minji taking the one next to yours.
"It's so... empty." Yoongi frowns, glancing at the seats that would have normally been for Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Minji... be honest... what are the chances of seeing them again?" You ask, begging with your eyes.

Minji fumbles with her fingers.
"I'm sorry... it's impossible."
You feel your heart shatter. Shards of it cut your insides.

You put your head in your hands.

"But I'll explore every possibility Y/N. If there's even 1% of a chance, I'll find it for you."
You nod at Minji before getting up silently and walking away.

You find yourself in front of Jungkooks room.
With a shaky breath, you turn the nob and open the door.

As soon as you step in, you're hit with an overwhelming sadness. Everything is wrong without Jungkook and the boys here.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you shut the door and limp towards the bed.

You crawl under the covers and lay down where Jungkook would be. His pillow still smells like him.
Even the bed is cold and unwelcoming to you now.

Nothing will ever be the same again.
Jungkook... I miss you.

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