43. The great unkown

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You blink against the bright light as you step out of your pod. After a rocky landing, you're surprised to be alive.

The grass beneath your feet is a gorgeous purple shade, the leaves swaying on tree branches are a lighter purple and the sky is a beautiful light magenta. Everything is so surreal, so foreign.

"Do you smell the air?!" Jin gasps, stepping out of his invisible pod next to yours.
"It's so sweet?!"

"Where are we?" Yoongi asks Minji.

"We're near the ruins of a small community. No one ventures out this far anymore so we're in the clear." She replies, taking in the breathtaking view.

"This place is stunning." You mumble in awe.

"What's the plan? Where are we going?" Jin asks. After a short while, Minji shrugs.

"I don't know where they're keeping the other sins. Since Y/N saw that Jungkook is in the hospital, I'll take you there, we'll save him, then hopefully he'll tell us where the rest are. That's our only option."

You nod, a bubbly feeling growing in your stomach. You're finally going to see Jungkook again, after missing him for so long...

"How do we not get recognised though? What if the Orcian people lock us up?" Jimin frowns.

"I know a family. The father is a stylist. I'll ask him to give us clothing to blend in." Minji firmly says.

You fold your arms.
"You trust them?"
Minji nods but you shake your head.
"Do you trust them like you trusted Kai?"

Minji sucks in a breath, maybe that was rude of you to say.
"I... I was foolish then. This family however, used to babysit us. I've known them for years. They'll take us in."
You slowly nod and accept it. There's nothing else to do.

"Alright, lead the way Minji." Jin smiles and the two of them start walking, Yoongi walks beside them too.

A bit behind, you and Jimin walk side by side.
Every so often, you catch him glancing at you, unsure what to say.
After awhile of that, you finally snap your head towards him.

"Jimin... I can't take anymore of this awkwardness." You sigh. Jimin nods and looks down at the purple grass crunching beneath his boots.

"Me too."

"I'm sorry for being inconsiderate earlier. I have no right to be angry at you Jimin. I'm sorry."
Jimin smiles weakly and lightly punches you on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I get it. Let's stay friends? I promise I won't try to pursue anything further." He meekly mumbles.
You smile and nod.


The two of you walk more comfortable now, pointing out bits of nature that amaze you as you both follow behind the other three.

You know that the conversation face to face was very much needed. You feel bad for not feeling anything more than friendship towards Jimin because you don't want to hurt him but... you know in your heart that the only person you love is Jungkook.

After almost an hour of walking, Minji stops.
"We're at the outskirts of Shampa now." Minji whispers, ducking behind a red bush. You crouch beside her and the boys to peak at the village ahead.

The houses are uniform domes lined up parallel eachother. Scattered across the view are bigger buildings, more rectangular.

The most striking thing about what you're seeing is the people, all dressed in black robe-like clothing.

Minji notices you staring at them.
"Luhan forces everyone to wear the same dark clothing style everyday. Adds to the ambiance." She shrugs.

"Vogue is shaking." Jin whispers, making Yoongi suppress a laughter.
You glare at the two and mouth 'be quiet'.

"How are we going to get through them?" Jimin whispers.

Minji points to a tall building with a clock and a bell above it.
"You see the time? When it gets to 12 Am in five minutes, that bell will ring. Everyone will gather at the village courtyard for the daily assembly."

"What's that?" You ask.

"It's basically an hour of standing around, watching a hologram of Luhan talking about the laws and upcoming events blah blah blah."

"Won't that stylist family go to the assembly too?" Yoongi asks.

"No, they should be making clothes for the upcoming ceremony around about now so they're excused from attending the assembly."

"What's the ceremony for?" Jin questions, furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's not important, it's just an ego party for Luhan, people from villages and towns come to give him offerings. The man has a massive god complex." Minji sighs, shaking her head.

You nod and cross your legs to make yourself more comfortable.
"So do you know where Jungkooks work place is?"

Minji smiles and nods her head. "In the next town over- Lexor, the capital. Let's lay low for a few minutes then go."

True to her word, three loud chimes are heard just minutes later.
Flocks of people scurry out of their homes in one direction.

"It's go time." Minji whispers as soon as the streets are empty.
She rises slightly, still staying low, and hurries over to a house for shielding.

You and the boys follow closely until the five of you are lined up against the shiny yellow dome house.

"This way." She whispers, breaking out into a fast but quiet run.
She leads you past a few streets of houses until you finally reach one that Minji unlocks the gate of and runs into the courtyard.
You and the boys wait patiently behind her as she knocks on the door.

Soon after, the wide red door opens and an elderly man with a curly blue moustache and bald head steps out.

"M-Minji?" The man gasps.
Minji sniffles and nods her head. Soon, the two are embracing each other tightly.

"Minji!" A voice calls from behind the man. The man steps aside and an elderly woman with greying auburn hair and teary eyes walks up to the door.

"Oh my sweet child it is you!" She cries and hugs Minji.
"I thought you were as good as dead." She sobs.

Minji pulls away, wiping a tear.
"Nora, Sunwoo, this... is Y/N. My sister." She looks back and points at you.
"Next to her is gluttony, lust and sloth."

The couples eyes almost pop out of their sockets, staring at each of you.
"It cant be..." the man whispers in shock.

"It is." Minji beams. "And we're here to save the other sins."

The couples expression changes. A look of confusion and sadness washes across their face.
"Minji..." the woman starts with a shaky breath.

"The other sins are... dead."

As always, thanks for your support! Y'all make me feel so much better<3💜

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