35. The calm before...

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A couple days of intense training pass and it's finally D-day.

You wake up extra early to prepare breakfast for everyone because you wanted to let Jin rest for longer. After all, he's the key to success.

After you and the boys eat, you sit at the table to discuss the day.
"So we went to look around Yangdong yesterday and we found a clearing in the woods. It's an hours walk to get there though."
Namjoon tells you all.

"Won't we get lost?" Jungkook asks but Namjoon shakes his head.

"We won't, I marked white crosses with chalk on the trees leading to the spot."

"Well everything is set, I guess the last thing to do is make the elixir." You sigh.

Hoseok places a portable gas stove onto the table while you and Yoongi take out the bottles of ingredients.

"Okay so on the instruction note we made, Minji said to first heat the Refana liquid, then sprinkle two spoonfuls of Kazoi and finally ground the Sofilin leafs into a paste before mixing it into the liquid." Yoongi reads.

"Then we drink gulp each an hour before doing it and when we do it we say a chant 'Nazari Kanta Yofay'."
Taehyung recites. You shoot him a thumbs up for memorising it so well.

"I wonder what the chant means." Jungkook says, glancing to you but you shrug because you don't know either.

"Probably 'take my powers you ugly monster'." Yoongi grumbles.

Stifling a laugh, you pick up the bottle of red Sofilin leaves.
"Jimin, start grounding the leaves." You instruct.
He nods and gets a pestle and Mortar to grind with.

You then grab the Refana and pour the yellow liquid into the pot on the portable stove.
"How do I turn this thing on?" You ask, turning the dial at the bottom to no avail.

"Let me help." Jin grins, twirling his hands and shooting them forewords dramatically like an anime character.
As ridiculous as he looks, he still managed to light fire to the stove anyway so you really can't complain.

"Thanks." You smile, stirring the liquid in the pot.
"Next is the blue powder... Kazoi or something." You say, letting the spoon go and stirring with telekinesis instead because your hand was getting tired.

"Remember, two spoonfuls." Namjoon reminds you, handing you a spoon.
You scoop up a spoonful and dunk it in followed by another spoonful.

"Is it supposed to look this brown?" You ask, nervous.

"Um... keep stirring it?" Taehyung shrugs.

"The leaves are done." Jimin beams, handing you the container of red Sofilin leaf paste.
Carefully, you drop it into the pot and stir.

A few seconds later. The liquid in the pot turns into a deep, almost black-ish, blue.
"Woah..." Yoongi coos in awe at the weird colour.

After preparing the elixir, you wait until it cools before pouring into a plastic bottle and putting it into your backpack.

"Luhan will come after the Solar eclipse and we have a long time until then so we should practise a bit more before that." Namjoon announces.

It sounds like a long time but the dreaded walk to the clearing in Yangdong came far too quick for your liking.
Before you know it, you're already hiking through the woods at 4pm, dodging branches and low hanging leaves.

After finally, passing the final cross, you're at the clearing.
It's a spacious flat land with thick trees surrounding the area.

"Isolated and open. Perfect." You mumble as you take your backpack off.
Just then, you almost stumble and fall when Jungkook grabs your arm, stopping you from face planting into the dirt.

"Zoned out?" Jungkook laughs, helping you stand up straight.

"Yeah I guess. Thanks." You smile back.

Namjoon glances at his wrist watch before looking up at the sky.
"It says on the Astronomy app I downloaded that the moon and sun will overlap at exactly 5:09pm. So we should probably drink the elixir now."

You hum in agreement and take the bottle out.
"Who wants to drink it first?" Taehyung says, glancing at the strange dark blue liquid in the bottle you're holding.

When no one says anything you shrug and unscrew the bottle cap only for Jungkook to snatch it out of your hands.

"I'll go first." He hastily says, not wanting you to try it first.
He chugs a gulp then wipes his mouth with the back of his hands as you all analyse him.

"Do you...feel any different?" Hoseok asks but Jungkook shakes his head.
Jimin takes the bottle off Jungkook and downs a gulp too.

"It tastes metallic and just... weird. I don't feel anything either." Jimin shrugs, handing the bottle to Jin who's standing next to him.

After you all take a sip, you plop down against a tree and stare at the sky scattered with clouds.
"This may be the last time I ever see the sky." You mumble.
If all of this goes south, Luhan will end up killing you and the boys, then, the rest of the world.

Jungkook scoots closer to you to flick you on the forehead.
"Don't say that, we're going to be fine. It'll work Y/N. It will." He scolds.

You rub your forehead and sigh.
"It better work."
With a pout, you lean your head against Jungkooks shoulder, fitting perfectly into the crook of his neck.

"All we've got to do is wait."

And sure enough, you waited. You almost doze off when a massive gust of wind catches you off guard. If you weren't sitting with a tree behind your back, you would've stumbled backwards due to the sheer strength of the wind.

"What's happening?!" Yoongi exclaims.

"It's Luhans ship! The ships on Orcus are state of the art, invisible, silent and undetectable!" Hoseok yells back, clinging onto a tree for dear life.

Then, right in front of you, a large, monstrous black metal semi-circle materialises in the centre of the clearing.
It's height alone is impressive, the ship is almost as tall as the trees!

"It happening..." you mumble as the doors to the ship open and a figure with a long black robe and a mask with dark-maroon, crooked horns, steps down the platform.

"It's been far too long Sins..." he grins.

Future A/N:
I love that you guys are investigating the details...
But my stupid ass made up random words for the chant, the don't mean anything lol.
Set y'all on a wild goose chase I'm sorry 🥲

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