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~Four years later~

You've always been a strong believer that time heals all. The heartache of loss, the feeling of love, either shrinks or grows with time.
For you, life has gotten so much better.

There are many people you long for and miss greatly, but you've come to realise that life always works out the way it's supposed to.

Bad things happen and good things happen. It either makes you or breaks you.
In your case, you've grown as a person and the memories of Orcus and your childhood is forever embedded in your heart- it is part of who you are.

But of course memories are not enough! Minji sent over a pod she had designed, solely run on solar power and hydro-tech. With that you and your friends often visit Orcus but it's been awhile since you went last.

In the living room, you pull your chair towards the table to get closer to the tablet screen placed on top. After a few buzzes, the screen lights up and Minji comes into frame.

"Hi!!" She squeals, her hair in a messy bun.

"I missed talking to you so much!" You sigh. "I'm sorry I couldn't pick up your call last time, I was drowning in overdue assignments." You sigh, making Minji laugh.

"It's alright. How's everyone doing?"

"They're good. Hoseok is still threatening to kick us out of his home but we're still mooching off him." You giggle.
"They all miss you guys like crazy too. How's Jimin and Taehyung?"

Just as she's about to answer, the door of her room swings opens and in parades Taehyung and Jimin, hand in hand.

They're wearing matching silk pyjamas which are far better than the black robes Luhan made everyone wear. Thanks to Minji, the people of Orcus have the right to wear whatever they choose.

"Speaking of the lovebirds." Minji rolls her eyes.

"Y/N!" Taehyung gasps with a growing grin.

"Finally!" Jimin beams, rushing over to the screen with Taehyung.

You wave at them with a huge smile.
"Hey guys! How are you? Have you gone on that picnic date in the Palace gardens yet?"

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows as Jimin slaps himself on the forehead.
"Thanks for ruining the surprise pabo." Jimin mumbles.

Your hand flies to your mouth.
"Oops, sorry!"

"Anyway, hows Uni going?" Minji asks with an awkward chuckle, quickly switching topics.

"Um...I handed in my last assignment a little while ago, I'm officially a Post-graduate!" You beam.
They cheer and applaud you as you shake your hands in the air.

"Congratulations!" They sing in unison.

"Thanks. How's your matriarchy going?"

Minji smirks. "Orcus is doing way better with Women officials, I put them in place last month." She snickers.
"There are still a few people who view Luhan as a martyr rather than a criminal but I've enforced a new program..."

Jimin nods his head, looking giddy.
"Minji is so creative! Whoever still supports Luhan has to sit through days of videos about all the horrendous things he's done- whatever was caught on tape anyway."

"-And don't get us started on the lectures about morality... Minji does them herself and I swear to god, a few seconds in and I was already fast asleep." Taehyung groans.

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