2. Impending doom

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You run out of the school building, tears blurring your vision.

You don't stop crying until you reach your apartment and slam your door shut. Grabbing your laptop, you sit on your bed.

Maybe... the internet can explain what happened.

You search up hurting someone without touching them, and a bunch of information pops up. There's studies on something called 'Telekenisis'. The ability to move and interact with an object via the brain.

You then search mind compulsion- you managed to get Sera to shut up. Every website said the same thing- it isn't physically possible.
You clench your eyes shut in frustration.
What the hell is happening to me.

You then think of your dreams, all the weird things you've conjured up in your mind. What the girl had said...
You rapidly type 'Orcus' but nothing comes up.
Disappointed, you type 'Pax'. Your eyes light up as you see what it means. It's Latin for 'Peace'. How could you have dream of someone saying a word that you didn't know of.

The next thing you look up is 'the seven sins.' Because you remember her saying that seven kids now represent it...

You learn that it's Greek mythology, but more specifically Greco-Roman antecedents. It's seven characteristics that is the downfall of man.
Gluttony, sloth, envy, lust, greed, wrath and pride.
So the kids are embodiments of the sins, taken on from their parents death? And I'm... Pax? The peace... a role I've involuntarily taken from my parents... is this real?
Hold up...I have parents?!

You pinch the bridge of your nose in exasperation.
After sighing, you go back to typing things you remember from your dream, you search up something else you never even knew existed, 'Purple moon'.

The first recorded Purple moon was 100 years ago. Then 65 years ago then 27 years ago...
Was that when m-my parents were coronated? 27 years ago... when they took on the role of the 'Pax'...
What surprises you more than the fact that it actually existed... is when the most recent one was

YESTERDAY?! How did I miss it? But... it explains how I managed to do what I did... how could I have dreamt about something I never knew about...

Perplexed, you get up from your bed and pace around your room. After racking your brain for a few minutes, you realise you must be crazy.

"What the hell am I doing." You say as you kick the floor in frustration. Just then, an idea strikes.
How about I try the whole 'telekinesis' thing out... And prove once and for all that this is all insane and I'm just acting crazy.

You roll your shoulders and prepare for whatever you're trying to do. You glance at your pillow on your bed and decide that you're going to ty to move it.

You push your hands out in front of you and try to pull it forward. It doesn't budge. You squeeze your eyes shut and try as hard as you could.

"Ugh if I keep this up I might shit myself." You grumble and drop your hands to your sides. You sigh and dramatically crash onto your bed.
The impact of your body causes your laptop to jump and from the corner of your eye you could see it almost fall off the bed. On instinct, you try to stop it from falling.

...However, you do more than just stopping it from falling.
Your laptop levitates. Mid-air. Right in front of you. Your mouth hangs open in shock. Hesitantly, you crawl towards it. You look at the floor and the laptop followed. You managed to gently lay it down just by thinking of it doing so.

"I- I'm- it just- everything-" you're at a loss for words.
Suddenly, it hits you, everything Luhan and the girl said is true.

You clasp your hand over your mouth to stifle a shocked gasp. Luhans real, Orcus is real... you're not human... you and seven others are not human... you're from some sort Hell on a different planet and... the ruler of it is coming to kill you and corrupt Earth as you know it.
You rake a shaky hand through your hair as you collect your thoughts.

What do I do?
You keep repeating to yourself over and over again. You know that you have to find the seven others but you have no clue where to start.

"If one of my abilities is telekinesis and another is mind manipulation... then what's my final one?" You question to yourself.
After a few moments of staring blankly out of the window, you decide that you have no other choice... but to sleep.

You hesitantly walk over to your bed and peel the bedsheets back. With a gulp you crawl in and tuck yourself under the covers. Shutting your eyes, you wonder if you should just ignore everything... but you need to know more.

Finally... you fall asleep.

School. You're at school. In your classroom.
The teacher is talking but all you can see is... Jungkook. He's laying his head on the table, looking out of the window.

He then sighs and sits up again. He looks at an empty table, your table.

The dream ends there and you wake up more confused then ever. It was a dream... of Jungkook. A vision?
Why did I envision him... could he possibly be one of the seven? Are visions my final power??

"I can't forget any details."
You run to your desk and grab a small brown notebook and pen.
You begin writing everything you can remember. About Orcus and Luhan, about the sins and the eight kingdoms. You make sure to write about the Latin terms and your childhood, how you were sent here when you were young. You also wrote about your powers, telekinesis, mind control and... visions. Finally, you write his name.


You place the pen back on the desk and sit on your bed. Luhan is coming. The seven will awaken their own powers soon and you... need to find them...

You nibble on your nails while thinking about the impending doom. You are the last of the Pax. Of peace. As crazy as it sounded, you had to think of a way to stop that monster from coming to Earth.

"I'll have to get the seven together, maybe that way... we can stop Luhan from harming us and Earth." You mutter to yourself.

Hesitantly, you stand up and walk towards your mirror near the door.
"Who- no... what am I..."

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