50. Dungeon damsil

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"The dungeons?! Why the heck does this planet have a 'dungeon'." Jin scoffs.
"And if you say if it's for the ambiance I'm actually going to combust." He rolls his eyes at Minji who laughs.

"That's the only place Luhan can lock him away." She says.
"I mean think about it, Hoseoks power is memory so the Mind Shade can't work on him. Luhan needs to keep him somewhere secure so he can't break out but also someplace Luhan has easy access to, so he can use Hoseok whenever he wants."

"So what's this dungeon place like?" You ask but Minji frowns.

"It's not good Y/N. It's hot like an oven, the prisoners are severely mistreated... they only get meals once a day, sometimes the guards like to skip a day." She sighs.
"Speaking of the guards... they're trigger happy."

"Woah woah woah, 'trigger happy'? You're telling me they have guns?" Taehyung gasps.

Minji shakes her head.
"Not bullet guns, they're ray guns. One zap and it feels like you're entire body is being electrocuted and burned at the same time. I've been on the other end of one, it's not pretty."

"How do we get in?" Namjoon asks.

"It'll be hard. We'll need to cause a diversion so the guards will leave their posts." She says, tapping her fingers on her chin in thought.

"Aren't there guards on the inside?" Jungkook asks.

"There are...there'll be too many to dodge." Minji sighs, frustrated.

"Why don't I make a group of us invisible and just sneak through the place to find Hoseok."
Minji stares blankly at Yoongi before squealing.
"Yoongi you're a genius!"

"Thanks? Okay so who's coming in? I don't think I'll be able to take all of you, three or four maximum." He says.

"Minji should definitely go, we need her knowledge of the place." Jin says.

"Namjoon should go too. Since we don't have the key to unlock Hoseok from his cell, Namjoon needs to break him out." Minji says.

"Okay, two more." Yoongi urges.

"Can I come?" You ask because you don't like the idea of doing nothing.

"No Y/N, you need to rest." Jungkook says.


"I agree with him Y/N, you should rest." Minji interrupts.
"Jimin and Jungkook should come too."

You don't know why, but you feel a bit of tension between the two. They stare awkwardly at eachother.
You can practically see Jungkooks features tighten.

"I'll stay with Taehyung and Y/N." Jin smiles at you, ruffling your hair a bit.
"Make sure you guys bring Hoseok back, alright?"

They nod and hug the three of you goodbye.

Jungkook gives you one final squeeze on your hand before letting it go and making his way out the door.

Taehyung collides with your side in a bear hug once they leave.
"Thank you for coming to save us." He whispers with a grin.

"We wouldn't be here without Minji, make sure to thank her when she gets back." You smile back, patting his head.

"Well I guess we wait until they get back." Jin says with a yawn.

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