32. Hotpot

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After a long taxi drive, the eight of you finally arrive at Kotto land, the most famous amusement park around.
Jimins eyes sparkle at a monstrously tall ride.
"Let's go on that, guys!" He exclaims like an excited child.

Taehyung nods his head and looks at you all with puppy eyes.
You hear a groan from your left.
"But it's so... scary." Hoseok frowns which makes you laugh.

"Come on don't be a scaredy cat." Jungkook teases.

"Says the one who hides behind a pillow when watching horror movies!" You giggle.
Jungkooks ears redden.

"Hey! You'd be crazy if you weren't scared!" He tries to defend himself.

"Let's goOoOOoo." Taehyung tugs at Jungkooks sleeve, pulling him towards the roller coaster.

You expected the line to be long but it was actually quite short. Before you know it, you're getting strapped onto a seat next to Jungkook.

"Rides are easy, nothing scary about them. But if you feel scared, squeeze my hand." He says, grabbing your hand. He interlocks his fingers with yours before bringing it to his lips to gently kiss the back of your hands.

"When did you get so romantic?" You laugh. He rakes a hand through his hair whilst looking up at the sky, like he's in a photo shoot.  He turns to you and shoots you smouldering look.
"I've always been this romantic." He winks.

You recoil at the cringiness of it all. Just as you are about to respond to his narcissism, the ride slowly starts moving.

"Oh my god it's happening." You squeal, holding Jungkooks hand a little firmer.

After a few seconds, the ride gets faster and faster. It heads upwards then comes to an abrupt stop before plummeting downwards so fast you barely register you surroundings.

Jimin and Taehyung yell with excitement in front of you while Hoseok and Jin scream from behind.

The screams suddenly stop and you hear Jin yell "Wake up Hoseok you're going to miss the next drop!"

Despite being scared too, you can't help but laugh at the thought of Hoseok just passing out on the ride.

After a few more twists and turns, the ride comes to a stop.

You step out wobbling.
"That was so fun!" Jungkook pumps a fist into the air.

"Speak for yourself, I saw my life flash before my eyes." You groan, stretching your back.

"What's next?" Yoongi yawns.

The eight of you play games at the stalls. Jungkook wins you large pink bunny with an odd facial expression. It even has eyebrows.

"Make sure Kookie stays safe." Jungkook teases as you hug it tight. You laugh at the ridiculous name he gave it.

After a while of playing games, the boys finally decide it's time for some dinner.
Jin was really craving some hot pot so you all head to a famous hot pot restaurant in the area.

On the whole walk there, Jimin constantly makes fun of the thick eyebrows on your pink bunny which Jungkook pounces to defend.

"Y/N, I was so close to winning you the cutest stuffed dog, it even had a hoodie!" Jimin sighs.

"The bunny is way better than that dog, isn't that right Y/N?" Jungkook smirks.

You shake your head at the two with a smile playing on your lips.
"They're both cute." You giggle, making Jungkook glare at you.

"Kookie is so hurt, look at its little ears going down. It's a sign it's sad you know." Jungkook pouts, pushing the two bunny ears down with his hands.

"Fine fine, Kookie is the cutest!" You say with an exasperated sigh.

After awhile more walking, you and the seven boys finally step into a aesthetic traditional restaurant.

"Table for eight." Namjoon says to the waiter.
They lead you all to a large table with gorgeous silver plating and cutlery.

It's a beautiful setting but...one thing ruins it all. From the corner of your eye, sitting at the table next to yours, is someone you never expected to see.
"Ji Sera?!" You gasp. Jungkook turns to you, baffled, then looks in the direction you're looking.

"It's really her!" He whispers to you.

You want to run away. Run away from the restaurant, away from the bully that tormented you through school.
Unfortunately, she sees you too.

You can practically hear her gasp from where you're standing. She stands up and walks to you.

"Y/N!" She smirks. "Where have you been? School started a couple of days ago." She asks, faking friendliness.
She then turns to Jungkook and shoots him an odd look.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here with her." She scoffs.

"Is there a problem?" Jimin asks, stepping next to you, followed by the rest of the boys.

Sera eyes widen at the seven boys.
"Wow Y/N, I knew you were a filthy orphan but I didn't know you're a slut too." She giggles to herself.

Out of all the hotpot restaurants in Korea, why is she here?!

"Orphan? Slut? Who are you to look down on her?" Jungkook glares at her.

Sera scoffs and flicks her hair off her shoulder.
"Don't act like your so innocent Jungkook. You bullied her just as much as I did." Sera smirks.

Jungkook opens his mouth but closes it again.

"Jungkook what the hell man?" Yoongi shakes his head.

Jin sighs and steps up to Sera.
"Get lost." He says. Sera looks him up and down before backing away.

"Whatever." She grumbles before leaving to pay.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asks, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You nod with a thin smile.

"I'm fine." You reply.

Suddenly, Jungkook grabs your hand.
"We'll be back soon, order for us." He says to the guys before dragging you out of the restaurant.

"What is it?" You ask when the two of you reach the street.
He stops walking and turns around.
Pools of tears form at his eyes and his nose turns a pale shade of red.

"Hey, are you crying?" You ask sadly, wiping his tears away.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." He sobs. "I didn't realise that teasing you in school was actually... bullying. I hurt you and I'm so sorry." He cries.

Admittedly, you're shocked at his sudden apology. You smile and grab his face.
"I know you didn't do it with malice."

He gulps and shakes his head.
"That doesn't make it okay."
Jungkook grabs both of your hands and holds it tight.

"Honestly... I was upset when you would prank me and tease me. But I always knew you were joking around in your own way." you smile.

"There is however something I never understood...why me? Why did you always tease me?"

Jungkook looks at the ground. His cheeks redden slightly.
"I'm not going to lie... I may of had a crush on you." He says with a pout, toeing the ground.

You laugh and he looks up at you with a frown.
"Don't laugh!"

"You teased me because you liked me? You're such a child." You giggle, making him frown more.

"I'm really sorry..." he mumbles.

You lightly hit him on the shoulder.
"Pabo, if you're really sorry... buy me a lot of meat for the hotpot!" You squeal, tugging Jungkook back into the restaurant.
He laughs and nods his head. (Sorry if your vegan or vegetarian)

"I'll buy you heaps and heaps of food!" He grins, walking back to the table with you.

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