25. Dark pasts

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It's been a few days since Jimin joined. You've learnt that his second power is mind reading. He can't read your minds but he can read minds of those from Earth.

The news headlines have predominantly been about the 'Teen Drug Party That Lead To Mass Murder!"
Fortunately, no one suspects anything supernatural and isn't linked to you and the boys.

The Solar Eclipse is so soon, what if we don't have everyone together by then. Will we be able to take on Luhan and his army of Sakers alone? Will everything we've done be for nothing?

Your thoughts are interrupted by loud banging. Here we go again.
You groan and get out of your bed. You walk into Yoongis room to find the annoyingly familiar sight of Namjoon banging pots and pans together, Tae and Jungkook pulling Yoongi by the leg, Yoongi clutching onto the bed frame and crying out in exasperation.

The only thing different about it is the fact that Jimin is here now too.

Jimins role in the morning schedule is trying to pry the covers off Yoongi. Which has caused him to tumble off the bed one too many times.

"Yoongi! Why do you do this every morning?! It's 11am, get up!" You exclaim.
Yoongi groans and mumbles something, probably 'five more minutes'.

"That's it, joon, do it." You say, folding your arms. Namjoon smirks then drops the pans to crack his knuckles. With one swift movement, he picks up Yoongi by the arm pits and carries him off the bed. Yoongi groans and kicks the air like a baby, he accidentally kicks Jimin on the jaw which makes him fall off the bed.

"Shit." Joon whispers before throwing Yoongi back on the bed to check on Jimin.
Yoongi crawls over to Jimin apologetically.

Jimin moans and gets off the floor. His lip was split and blood was oozing out of it.
"I'm so sorry!" Yoongi gasps as he rushes to Jimins side.

"Ow!" Yoongi hisses as you keep hitting him.

"I've got this." Jungkook sighs. He makes his way to Jimin then hovers his hand over the wound. A few seconds later, the wound completely vanishes.

"Oh my god! It really is gone!" Jimin squeals. You grin at Jimin who gasps and touches his lips to make sure.

"I've been meaning to ask..." Taehyung speaks up, making the six of you look to him. He squirms slightly and looks to the ground.

"I have these scars... but they're
not really scars, they still kinda hurt... could you- could you get rid of them?" Taehyung asks innocently then looks up at Jungkook.

Jungkook opens his mouth ask him how he got the wounds but then closes it. Jungkook nods instead, having read all about Taehyungs scenario in the notebook and seeing the reason for accidentally killing his father, on the news.

"Could you all leave... when he tries? I don't want you to see my shameful past." Taehyung asks hesitantly, biting his lower lip and gazing at the ground from time to time.

Namjoon slowly walks over to Taehyung and places a hand on his shoulder.
"Whatever happened to you, is over now. You have us and we have you- please don't forget that. You're past is not shameful, it's a part of your life that's shit but it happened. Don't be embarrassed around us, okay?"

Taehyung looks at Joon teary-eyed then nods slowly. Namjoon steps away and allows for Taehyung to take off his shirt. What you see underneath makes you gasp. All across his back are scars, some still pink and healing, while others are ragged and faded. Tae mustn't have cleaned them properly when healing by the looks of it.
You gulp and look at Jungkook. He too has a worried expression.

You all knew what kind of person his father was but... seeing is different from hearing. Your heart breaks when you think about the horrible life he lived.

"So this is why you always change in the bathroom." Jungkook sighs under his breath.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? You were in pain all this time!" Yoongi exclaims, angry, balling his fists and glaring.

"I-it's not something I wanted you all to know about." Taehyung admits in a broken voice.
You slowly walk over to Taehyung and reach up to stroke his hair.

"Don't ever be afraid to tell us something Taehyung. What your fath-that man, did to you was disgusting." You reassure him. Tae forms a thin smile at you then shuts his eyes to let out a deep sigh.

Jungkook coughs and approaches Taehyung.
"I'll try as best I can Tae." Jungkook says then rolls up his sleeves. He cracks his knuckles then holds his hands up in the direction of Tae's back.

... a couple minutes later, the scars begin to vanish.
"Oh wow! It's working!" Jimin exclaims, surprised. After they've healed, you all gather around to inspect it properly, and it really was gone- as if it was never there.

Taehyung turns around and looks hopefully at each of you.
"Really?" He asks in disbelief.

"They've gone Tae! They're all gone!" You beam. Taehyung proceeds to drag you all into a group hug. You hear him sniffle before saying
"Thank you..."
The five of you are smashed against him until he pulls away.

"Oh yeah, Y/N, did you dream of anything?" Taehyung asks, swiping at his eyes.
You look at the floor and shake your head.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll see something soon." Yoongi reassures you. "Go back to sleep for a couple hours, we'll go practise our powers in the meantime." He says.
You nod and head off back to your room, stretching and yawning.

Before you make it to your room again, you hear footsteps running towards you from behind.
Before you open the door, you turn around to see who it is.

"What is it Jungkook?" You ask as he comes to a stop in front of you.

"You should eat before you go back to sleep." He mumbles.
"I made some eggs on toast..."

You smile and nod. "Sure. Thanks Jungkook."

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