48. Mental message

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"H-how long have you been here?" You ask, scared to even find out the answer.

"I... I don't know. The days blur together." The mysterious girl shrugs.

"I'm... Y/N."

"Jaerin." She greets.

"Has he... ever hurt you?" You ask, trying to be as gentle as you can.

"No... I think I've figured out why he's like this." She mumbles in a weak voice.


"He said I can't end up like his daughter. I think Luhan killed her for some petty crime she committed... the old man has been crazy ever since."

"What the-...listen, we'll get out of here, I know we will."

She sighs and shakes her head.
"I've tried attacking him, biting the chains, pulling it, everything. There's no way out."

You look back at the chains, feeling defeated, when you think of something. The only thing you can do...

If I can push memories onto people by touching them... can't I push them onto people I think of?
It's my only hope...

You shut your eyes and think about Jungkook, and all of your friends, with all of your might.
Keeping them in mind, you think about the place you saw last, the street of warehouses before being bagged and kidnapped.

You remember the things the girl said about the kidnappers past, maybe it'll help them find you?
"What if it doesn't work..." you frown, knowing that you have no way of knowing if they received your memory unless they actually find you.

"If what doesn't work?" Jaerin asks but you shake your head.

"Nothing." You sigh.
"Jaerin, does he have any weak spots?"

"Weak spots?... Maybe his daughter... but if you bring her up, he won't give you a meal. The last time I tried to use her against him, he didn't give me food for two days."

"That pathetic old man... what does he get out of kidnapping us?! We aren't his daughters or his pretty things." You exclaim.

"As much as I want to escape, I also understand his pain. He lost his daughter and he wants someone to look after... in his own sick and twisted way."
You nod, even though you feel no sympathy for him, you don't want to disagree with Jaerin.

Meanwhile, at Minjis warehouse, Jungkook recites all the memories he remembers.

"We should untie him, he's getting back to his usual self." Jin says, Minji nods and removes the rope.

"Jin, Jimin, Yoongi and Minji... Y/ N's sister..." Jungkook says, getting nods from the guys.
He gets up holding his head.

"I feel so lightheaded." He mumbles.
Jin pats Jungkooks back and shakes his head.

"This is all Luhans fault, that sick freak."

Minji casts the rope aside when all of a sudden she stumbles.
"Woah..." she mumbles, shaking her head.

"Are you alright?" Jin asks, as he watches Minji grab her head.
Suddenly, her eyes roll back and she collapses like a rag doll.

"Minji?!" Yoongi exclaims, rushing towards her before stopping midway.
"S-somethings w-wrong-"
Then, just like Minji, Yoongi falls to the floor.

Jungkooks head starts spinning too, he looses his balance at the same time as Jimin and Jin fall to the ground.

Y/N. Walking past a couple of warehouses...
She turns suddenly, confused, but shrugs it off.

Suddenly, a man maybe in his late 40s- early 50s, throws a green cloth bag over her head and ties the bottom around her throat.
She struggles and screams for help but the man still drags her away by the waist.

Then, its dark, the bag is removed and the man smiles at Y/N. She's trapped inside a dark, dirty place.
When the man leaves, a girl from the corner of the room announces herself.
Another pretty thing.

Jungkook flutters his eyes open. With a groan, he gets up from the ground, blinking rapidly.
He sees the others get up slowly too.

"What the hell was that?" Yoongi whispers.

"Y/N... she's in danger... we need to find her!" Jungkook cries. Without sparing another moment, he runs out of the warehouse.
She said she'd only be out for some fresh air but she isn't outside.

Panicked, he runs back inside.
"She's not outside! W-where is she?" Jungkook exclaims. He feels a wetness on his face, when he swipes his cheek with a finger, he realises he's crying, oozing tears.
"W-why do I care so much? Y-Y/N..."

Jimin runs out of the warehouse to see for himself just as a throbbing pain explodes in Jungkooks head.

He falls to his knees.
"I'll look around the area for her with Jimin, take care of Jungkook, he's remembering." Minji hastily says to Yoongi who nods.

"I'll come with you." Jin says, running out with her.

Yoongi places a hand on Jungkooks shoulder.
"It's going to be alright, your memories are coming back."

Jungkook doubles over, groaning.
"M-my head... I'm seeing things..."
Yoongi doesn't know what else to do besides try to comfort him.

Then, Jungkooks eyes shoot open.
He gets up, panting.
"I-I remember everything. Earth, trying to find the other sins with Y/N, being taken here... and these feelings. I love her so much and I- oh my god, the way I treated her..." Jungkook buries his head in his hands.

"I told you, you were going to regret that." Yoongi sighs.
Jungkook wipes his tears away before hugging Yoongi.

"I missed you guys so much, even when I was intoxicated with Mind shade, I felt like I was missing a part of me." He cries before pulling away.
Yoongi pats Jungkook on the head.

"We missed you too."

"Y/N... we need to find her." Jungkook frowns with a pained expression.
Just then, Jin, Jimin and Minji rush back into the Warehouse.

"S-shes not here... we looked around a couple of streets..." Jin mumbles, biting his nails.

Jimin strides to Jungkook and grabs him by the collar.
"This is your fault! If only you hadn't said those things to her, she wouldn't have been out there in the first place!"

Jin pries Jimin off of Jungkook.
"It's not his fault Jimin, we can't blame him. The elixir made him forget and the detox made him angry."

"No, Jimin's right." Jungkook says. "What I said was hurtful and unacceptable, but do you know what else is unacceptable?" Jungkook says, glaring at Jimin.
"Falling in love with my girlfriend."

Jimin scoffs and shakes his head.
"Which one?" He growls back.

"Enough! Both of you just shut up! Y/N is missing and you're arguing instead of helping find her." Minji interjects loudly.
The two brooding boys glance at eachother, still visibly seething but also guilty.

Just then, there's a knock on the warehouse door. Everyone turns their head towards it, confused and nervous.
Then, another loud knock rattles the door.

"No-one knows we're here... who could it be...?" Minji mumbles, hesitantly walking to the door.

With a deep breath, she slides it open.

"What the heck are you guys doing here?!"
She gasps.

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