34. Flame Sphere

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"Y/N?! Jungkook?!" Someone yells from the door.
With a groan, you sit up on the bed and rub your eyes.
Jungkook stirs awake from beside you too.

"Did you two...?!" Your eyes flutter against the morning light to register a very flustered Taehyung standing in the doorway.

Jungkook shoots up and shakes his head.
"N-no! We just slept." He defends, cheeks redder than cherries.

"You two slept together?!" Tae exclaims.

You groan and throw a pillow at him, which he dodges.
"It's not like that!"

"Yeah yeah... I got my eye on you two." He points two fingers at his eyes then shoots them in your direction.
Flushed, you hide under the covers until he goes away.

Jungkook laughs and taps your shoulder.
"He's gone now, let's get up for breakfast." He mumbles with a yawn.

Quickly getting dressed, you head downstairs with Jungkook. After eating Jins amazing meal, you clear the table.

"Hey have you heard? Your favourite band is releasing a new single soon, 'dynamite'." Hoseok says, nudging your elbow with his.

You grin and nod your head.
"I know! I honestly can't wait, I pre-saved it on Spotify and everything." You beam. Namjoon clears his throat with a condescending look.

"If you two are done gossiping- we need to strategise." He sighs, taking his seat at the table. Rolling your eyes, you sit too.

"We need to figure out a way to take out the Sakers. Luhan will probably bring an army of them."

Yoongi shakes his head. "But how? At the alley we found Taehyung, me and Y/N thought we killed the Saker because it disappeared, but at the party, the Saker disappeared the same way. So clearly we didn't kill the one at the alley."
He looks to Hoseok hoping he could help.

"...On Orcus, I remember my parents discussing the annual 'clean up'." Hoseok starts, grabbing your attention.

"Basically, they would get rid of all the evil souls locked away. And guess who oversaw all of it?" He asks.
You all shrug.

"Glutton. Using their Fire skills. They would essentially burn the Sakers. That's the only known way of getting rid of them for good."

You gasp. "Burn? So Jin has to do it alone? No way."

Namjoon shakes his head. "Not necessarily. If Jin can create balls of fire and float them, we can levitate it at the Sakers... Taehyung can recreate the same flames as Jin did too!"

You all nod with a sense of awe at Hoseok and Namjoon. They truly are the brains behind everything.

"Alright, we can do this guys." Jin beams, showing a little 'fighting' gesture.

"Wait, before we go to the garden to practise, we need to find a secluded place to do this. Hoseok said that Luhan will probably come to wherever most of us are because of that tracker thingy right?" Taehyung interjects.

Hoseok nods and starts thinking for places.

"I have an idea. I've been thinking, wherever we crash-landed in our pods when we first came to earth must have been really secluded for no one to notice... so it's the perfect place!"
Namjoon says.

"We landed in the middle of nowhere Namjoon. I remember the place I landed was in a really woody, mountainous area in Yangdong. It took two days of wandering for a village farmer to find me then take me to an adoption centre." Hoseok recalls.

Jimin clasps his hands together. "That's perfect then. We'll find a clearing in the woods and wait there."

"A couple of us should go scout the area to find a place tomorrow. Now that's out of the way, let's go practise." Jungkook says, getting up from his chair.

The eight of you step out into the garden, carrying random household objects to practise on.

Namjoon instructs everyone to start levitating small object to start, like pens and mugs. You, Jungkook, Namjoon and Yoongi do it with ease but the others struggle since they haven't practised this a lot before.
After a few minutes of trying, everyone manages to take full control of the objects.

Later, you and the group move onto individual skills. You all take it in turns practise each power while the others help.

Eventually, it's Jins turn- the most important skill for defeating Sakers, fire balls. At first, he musters a weak ball of flames.
"This isn't going to do much to a Saker." He groans.

You encouragingly smile. "You can do it!"
Jin nods, closing his eyes then taking a deep breath.
He holds one palm above the other in a sphere shape and concentrates.
Soon, a ball of fire grows in between.

"You did it!" You exclaim, making Jin open his eyes with an excited look.

"Okay, now one of us should try to move it." Namjoon instructs.

"Can I try?" Jimin asks, earning a nod from Namjoon.

Jimin holds his hands out in front of himself and stares at the ball of fire between Jins palms.
With a groan, he pushes the fire a bit too hard as it shoots into Hoseoks stone wall, leaving a dark patch of soot.

"Jimin!" Hoseok grumbles.

Jimin quickly turns to Hoseok with an apologetic chuckle.
"Sorry bro..."

"We should all practise levitating the flame spheres tomorrow." Namjoon states. "Next person, Taehyung, create an imitation of Jins flames."

Taehyung nods and holds out his palms. Hovering it about, a perfect sphere of fire forms pretty easily.
"Wow! Well done!" Jungkook beams.

"Thanks, I've been practising." Taehyung grins back.

"Alright, Y/N now. You're probably the best at controlling your powers, so let's just work on the memory pushing." Namjoon says.

You nod and think about what memory you should push and who to push it onto.
"Can you... you push your memory of Luhan? I just want to be prepared for what he looks like..." Yoongi asks.

"Me too." Jimin says.

"Let's try this, let's all form a circle and hold each other's hands." You hold out your left hand for Jungkook to grab and the right for Jimin. Soon, everyone is holding each others hands in a circle.
"Alright, here goes."

You shut your eyes and think back to the very first time you saw Luhan. The day he was explaining who he is.
Looking back at it now you realise it's so obvious he told you about everything because he wanted the eight of your powers unlocked so he could come to Earth and take it.

Minutes pass. Silence. You almost give up revising that memory when you hear a flurry of gasps.
"I see it! I see him!" Jimin exclaims.
You feel both Jungkook and Jimin tense.

"This... this monster is Luhan?" Namjoon shudders.

You then think about the Sakers, because you know Jin has never seen one. Hoseok has through his memories and the others have through circumstance.

Jin gasps again.
"Is this a saker? At a petrol station?!"

Namjoon sighs. "First one I ever saw."

You then break the circle by releasing Jimin and Jungkooks hands.

Everyone opens their eyes, shocked and stunned at the memory you managed to push onto them.
"Thank you for showing us." Yoongi nods firmly.
You curtly nod back.

"Let's continue practising guys, now we know what we're up against." Namjoon says, rubbing the back of his neck.

You all begin levitating and working on individual partners except Jimin who just stares at his left hand then back to you.

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