51. Jamais Vu

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"We're so close to getting off this crazy planet and you guys want to stay longer?" Taehyung groans, playing with the watch Minji gave him. As soon as you all got back to the warehouse, Minji gave the remaining heirlooms to the sins.

"Now that we've got Hoseok back, we could go..." Jimin starts, opening a bottle of water for him.
"... but think about all the people on Orcus who have suffered and will continue to suffer at the hands of Luhan."

"For our parents... for our people... we need to save Orcus." Hoseok nods.

"And to do so... we need to kill Luhan?" You say, piecing together their plan.

"Where? And how? And when?" Taehyung asks, still sleepy from his nap. He gets up and stands next to Jimin with a yawn.
Jimin smiles fondly and ruffles his hair.

"We were thinking, at the giving ceremony." Minji replies.

"The ceremony that the stylists in Shampa are making the robes for?" You say.
Minji nods.

"We'll slip in, get as close to the alter as we can and do the power giving ritual"

"Won't there be guards or officials there who'll try and stop us?" Jungkook asks.

"I have an idea for that too. I'll create something that will make the officials seated next to Luhan fall asleep straight away. Maybe slip it into their drinks?"

"No that won't work, we'll need to knock out the guards too." Namjoon shakes his head.

"Have you seen that movie? Where they use peach fuzz to make the maid have an allergic reaction?" You ask.

"I love that movie!" Hoseoks beams. His expression is still not as bright as you remember it was on Earth, but it's getting better.
Hopefully with time and rest, his mental and physical state will fully recover.

"How does that have anything to do with this?" Yoongi shakes his head, straight to the point as always.

You smile a little mischievous smile.
"That's how we'll do it. Minji, create a fine powder that we can blow or even levitate it at people, and when they inhale it-BAM! They're knocked out."

Minji thinks for a second before grinning.
"That'll totally work."
She high fives you as the boys cheer.

You look around the room with a tender smile, this is what you've missed. The nine of you together, all working toward a common goal. They started off as strangers to you, but then they became your closest friends and family.
It's strange how time changes everything.

"Okay so need make the knockout powder and the power transferring elixir all before the ceremony..."
Minji bites her lip, unsure if you have time to do it all.

"When's the ceremony?" Jin asks.

"... tonight."

"What?!" You all exclaim.

"If we're going to get this done in time, I'm going to have to trust you guys to make the elixir and I'll make the powder."

"Do you have the ingredients?" Namjoon asks.

Minji nods and calls you all over to the back left corner of the warehouse.
There's a table with flasks and glass bottles that have tubes attached to them. Bunsen burners and other equipment are stashed below in glass drawers too.

Next to the table is a cabinet packed to the brim with containers full of different herbs and ingredients.

Minji trifles through and pulls out the all too familiar red Sofilin leaves, blue Kazoi powder and yellow Refana liquid.

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