38. A will, a way

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Hours turn into days, days turn into weeks. Soon, time just blends together.

You hear a faint knock on the door, waking you up from a dream... a dream of the people you miss the most.

"Y/N, I'm coming in." Jimin announces softly. After a few seconds, he pushes the door open and steps into Jungkooks room that's now become yours.
A couple of footsteps later, you hear him place something on your bedside table.

You don't even need to open your eyes to know what that is- Jins special noodle dish.

You sit up. "Thank you, I'll eat it later."
Jimin sighs and shakes his head.
"You haven't eaten properly for weeks. I want you to finish this meal okay?" He says, pointing to the tray.

"I'm just... not that hungry. And what's with the noodles? He only makes that when he's happy."

Jimin clasps his hands together.
"If you don't eat all of it, I won't tell you the good news."

Your widen your eyes at him.
"Good news? What? Tell me!"

He smiles and sits on the bed.
"There's a way Y/N."

Those words alone makes the world stop spinning. Time finally slows down as you register what he just said.
"A w-way? You mean...?"

The corners of Jimins mouth twitches upwards revealing a grin. He nods and looks up to the ceiling.
"I think... I think it'll work."

You spring off the bed and quickly put your slippers on but Jimin grabs your arm, stopping you.


He shakes his head.
"Not so fast. Eat first."


Jimin clicks tongue and forces you to sit down.
"No buts."

Exasperated, you practically inhale Jins noodles.
After you finish, Jimin finally takes you to living room where Minji, Jin and Yoongi have a map sprawled across the floor.
As you approach them, you see Minji circling some areas on the map with a red marker.

"Isn't that... Yangdong?" You ask, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Finally." Yoongi beams, pulling you onto the floor.
You sit down and analyse the whole thing.

"We were so stupid!" Jin exclaims. "Why didn't we think of this before?"

"What do you mean? Hurry up and tell me!" You urge, unable to bear another second being in the dark.

Then, the doorbell rings. You all turn your heads to the front door, confused.
No one knows you're here... none of you ordered anything either...

"I'll get it..." Jin says.
You watch him walk to the door and open it.

"Hello?" Jin says to the two people with puzzled expressions.

"Who are you? Why are you in my Sons house? Do you know where he is?" The woman rambles.

Jin turns back to you all, wide eyed.
They must be Hoseok adoptive parents...

You head towards the door and look into the parents eyes.
"Jung Hoseok is your son?" You ask and they nod in response.
You shut your eyes and sigh. You didn't even think about how Hoseok and Jungkooks parents are feeling. They don't even know what happened to their kids.

You open your eyes again and look at each parent.
"Jung Hoseok went on holiday to the Bahamas. You can't contact him because he's going through a technology detox. He'll be back soon, don't worry."

They both nod, eyes glossed over as they walk away.

Jin shuts the door and groans.
"I feel so bad for them."

You nod as you walk back to the table.
"I'll find Jungkooks parents soon and use my compulsion on them too." You mumble.
"Let's get back to this. How are we getting our friends back?"

"Y/N... we're going to find our pods." Jimin announces.

Your eyes almost pop out of their sockets.
"Pods?? As in the ones we landed on earth with?"
Minji smiles and nods.
You can't remember what the pods looked like or where you even landed on Earth as a child but from what Hoseok told you a while ago, the pods are in an extremely isolated place.

"All this time I was researching how we could use Earth science and technology to replicate Orcian Spaceships-when there was already Orcian vessels on Earth!"

Your furrow your eyebrows. "But how can we find them? And what if they're broken or too weathered down?"

Minji smiles and shakes her head.
"They won't be too broken that's for sure. Pods built on Orcus land quietly and smoothly, the metal used is stronger than any of those found on Earth." She beams before biting her lip.

"But...finding it will be the hard part because... they're invisible."

"What?!" You, Jin, Yoongi and Jimin exclaim.

"You didn't tell us they were invisible!" Jin moans, burrowing his head into his hands.

"Well they're invisible to humans. Yoongi can see it when he's invisible too." She assures you all.

"Like how when you're invisible, you can see other people that are invisible..." Jimin nods in thought.

"Yes, precisely. And we need to find five for all of us." She adds.

"Wait what about fuel? Don't we need astronomical energy?" You ask.

Minji nods. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go find them." You say, getting up but Minji stops you.

"There's no point in all of us going, it would just be annoying for Yoongi to hold all of our hands to make us invisible too. It'll only slow the search down."

"Then what do you suggest we do? Wait around?" You glare.
You know you're being mean, you know she's only trying to help but every time you think back to the day of the Solar Eclipse, you feel an immense tang of anger towards Minji.

Deep down, you still blame her for what happened but through these past weeks you learned of her kind and loyal nature. You know she only has the best intentions at heart so every time you feel like blaming her you stop yourself.

Minji shakes her head.
"We cant trek through the entire woods and mountain area- that could take months. So I need you and Jimin to ask locals if they saw anything on August 19th, fifteen years ago."

You scoff.
"How would anyone there even remember anything? And if they did see something in the sky or feel a crash landing, why didn't they report it to the police or NASA?"

Minji reaches into her pocket and pulls out a leaflet for an astrological company in Yangdong.
"There were reports made to this Company who later released an article on it. You and Jimin need to get into the company, go onto their computers or files and find the names and addresses of the key witnesses."

"What about me and you?" Jin asks.

"We'll go with Yoongi. He won't know what to do when he finds the Pods and they're really heavy so he'll need help transporting it." Minji states.
"Well since everyone knows what they're doing, let's get moving."

Before Minji could leave to go pack a bag of things to help hiking, you stop her by grabbing her arm.
"Um... I just wanted to properly thank you for helping us."

Minji smiles sympathetically and pats your arm.
"I'd do anything for you little sister." She says, grabbing the leaflet off the table and putting it into your hands.
"Now let's get your friends back."

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