22. Part of the team

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You sigh and dramatically fall backwards onto the bed. You and the boys just finished telling Jimin everything. Everything.
It took a good hour of explaining over and over again until he finally somewhat got it.

"So... What Y/N did to me was to unlock my powers... wait is that even your name?" He turns to you with a glare. You knew he was going to be annoyed with you after the stunt you pulled.

"It is and I'm sorry. We had to get you to feel lust, and trust me I feel really bad for doing that to you." You say as you sit up on the bed. Jimins face reddens and he looks away mumbling

"What the hell did you guys do to me." Jimin groans and puts his head into his hands. Joon bends down to him and sighs.

"I know you must think we ruined your life but, you were going to feel lust with or without our input. If you did today, tomorrow or even later down the line then you probably would've done something you can never go back on." Joon consoles.

Taehyung steps up to Jimin nodding. "You've seen me on Tv before right? Everyone in Busan probably knows who I am."
Jimin lifts his head from his hands to properly examine Tae. Recognition flashes in the Lusts eyes, he knows who Taehyung is.

"You-you're Taehyung! The boy who was a prime suspect for killing his father. You and your sister haven't been heard from since..."
Taehyung only sadly nods at Jimin.

"I.. I'm not innocent." Taehyung says then continues, ignoring Jimins gasp.
"My power unlocked when I saw my father abuse my sister. I wanted him to stop so I punched him. But at that moment I imagined broken glass and my power made it appear in my hand so I ended up stabbing him instead..." Taehyung shuts his eyes and shudders at the memory.

"The point of the story is that I was alone and scared and confused. You would've done something similar to what I did or worse. And even if you control your powers on your own, the Sakers would hunt you down anyway." Taehyung shrugs and sighs.

"I... I get what you mean but... you can't expect me to just leave everything I know to go find other people and defeat some bad guy like we're in some movie. I'm only eighteen." He stresses, running a hand through his hair.

Jungkook walks over to you and grabs you by the arm to lead you to Jimin.
"We're eighteen too. We're all too young for this shit. But here we are, trying to save the world from impending doom. If you can't do it for yourself or for the sake of the world, do it for your parents. You're birth parents. Our parents sent us here in hopes of saving us from Luhan. The least we can do is save the place they sent us to- Earth. And we need you in to do that."

You stand there speechless. When did he get so smooth with his words?

Yoongi coughs to get everyone's attention before speaking. "He's right. I left my career too, I left everything I know and love behind, because in September, Luhan will take away everything I've come to know and love."

You nod. "It's not going to be safe Jimin, it's not going to be a easy and I can't guarantee we succeed, but if we don't try, we won't have anything left. We need you Jimin."

Jimin looks at you, really looks at you. He sits in silence just staring at each of you then the floor then back to each of you. After a few minutes he gets up.

"I'm leaving." He says as he walks to the door.

"Wait-" Taehyung calls out. Jimin turns around and looks at him.
"My sister... she died. The Saker ate her. Literally inhaled her. That's what the they do. You and the people around you are in danger." Taehyung says, pleading Jimin to change his mind.

"I'm.. I'm sorry for your loss." Jimin mumbles. "And I was just going to tell my friends I'm going home so we can get out of here, I've been missing for an hour they must be worried." He says nonchalantly and walks out the door.

Yoongi eyes you. "Wait.... he's part of the team now?" He questions. You nod.

"Five down, two to go." You mutter to yourself. "Come on, let's go get our newest member." You beam and stride out the door. You hear Taehyung say they should come up with a group name which makes you chuckle.

You spot Jimin waving to his friends and heading back to the direction of the room.
"Jimin!" You call out to him. He turns to the sound of your voice and sees you. He starts walking towards you but suddenly stops. He squints to focus on something to the far left of you. You see his eyes widen and he looks back to you in panic.

Confused, you turn to look at whatever he's seeing. And right there, standing amongst the sweaty dancing bodies, is a dark entity with red beastly eyes and a sickeningly demonic smile.

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