10. Casper the ghost

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"I wouldn't be able to live with myself If I don't help. And... I've been thinking of retiring from this field of work recently anyway." Yoongi tells you three.

Namjoon audibly gasps. "What? Why?"

"Sales have been decreasing and I just don't feel like killing sleep everyday anymore." Yoongi admits, then instantly grins.
"Hey I guess I really am a sloth after all."

"True to your title." You say with a clap.
The four of you are silent for a while. Staring at each other, unsure of what to do.

Finally you pipe up and try to break the ice.
"So... are you ready to leave. I think we should stick together."
Yoongi nods and picks up his jacket.

"Wait. We need to fully warn him of what could happen in the future." Jungkook says to you. He then turns to Yoongi.

"You've read about the Sakers right? We don't know how powerful they are but we need to be careful. Even though Luhan can't travel here yet, he can send the Sakers whenever he wants to... and coming with us means that you'll be a target to them. Well you're already a target anyway but... look I just hope you know what you're getting in to."

Yoongi looks at Jungkook seriously before firmly nodding his head.
"I know. It's still so hard to come to grips with with but... i know. If the world is going to shit, how could I turn a blind eye to it?" Yoongi sighs as he slowly shakes his head.
"And it's about time you guys properly introduce yourselves."

You hastily nod.
"I'm Y/N L/N. I'm a 'Pax' from... Orcus, you've read about that so... and I'm eighteen and I can compel humans, have visions and move things with my mind." You say, still amazed at your own abilities.

"And I'm Namjoon. Twenty. Huge fan by the way. Oh, I have super strength and Telekinesis abilities too. You have Telekinesis too and another ability we don't know yet."

"Yeah, like god of destruction here said, we're going to help you activate your powers. Tonight." You grin at Yoongi.

"What? How?" Yoongi blinks back at you confused.

"Well you're a sloth. The sloth even. So all we need to do is get you realllllly tired. So... who's ready for an all nighter?!" You beam sarcastically.

"But... I didn't even sleep last night!" Yoongi moans with a pout.

Namjoon grins. "Thank god! That makes our job way easier."

You clasp Joons shoulder and smirk at him. "Have fun staying up with Yoongi, I'm going to sleep." Namjoon instantly drops his hand and groans.

"You know that I have to sleep to see the next person. So... have some bonding time and get to know each other." And with that, you turn around and walk to couch at he edge of the room.

You get onto it and shut your eyes, silently praying you see the next Sin. After a while, you softly fall asleep.

A blonde school boy- probably the same age as you or older, is sitting in a classroom. His eyes flutter, visibly on the verge of falling asleep.

"Park Jimin! Wake up!" His teacher yells. 'Jimin' stirs awake and groans.

"Sorry." He says as he straightens his back and widens his eyes to fully wake up.

With a grunt, the teacher continues his lecture about algebra, but no one was really paying attention anyway. Jimin sighs and scratches his head.
His uniform was maroon and white. Unfamiliar to you.
The logo was of a yellow and white dog-like animal. Just above the logo was the schools name.
'Busan high school of Arts'.

Before you could learn more about this Jimin person, you're abruptly shaken awake by a worried Namjoon.
"Y/N! Yoongis powers are unlocked or something!"
This makes you jump to you feet. Your eyes widen at the state of the room. Paper is floating everywhere and the chairs and computer are hovering just under the ceiling.

"What the hell?! Yoongi?!" You call out for him. All of a sudden, you feel a tap on your left shoulder. You snap towards it but see no one.
"Guys ... something touched me." You inch away from the direction.

Jungkook audibly sighs. "Not something... someone- that's Yoongi. After stuff started hovering, he panicked and then he just vanished."

"I'm still here though. I don't know how to turn back..." someone- Yoongi says. You look to the direction of the voice where Yoongi should be and reach out your hand. You feel something solid against your palm and you poke it.

"Ow! That's my eye Y/N!" Yoongi yelps.
Hastily , you retract your hand and mouth a

"Look, you need to focus on your breathing and try to calm down. Think of the state you want to be in and hopefully you'll turn back." You say into the air.

A few moments later, Yoongi was still invisible.
"Maybe this is a good thing. We'll never have to see his ugly face ever again." Jungkook says with a shrug.

Suddenly, Yoongi materialises infront of the two of you. "What the hell man!" He pouts, folding his arms firmly together.

A massive grin dominates your face. "Well done! It worked!". You beam as you slap Jungkooks back.

"Thank you Thank you." He grins.

Yoongi scans his arms and legs before cheering and hugging the three of you.

"I thought I'd be invisible forever!" Yoongi sighs in relief. He pulls away and puts his hands on his hip. "So are we gonna get out of here or what?"

You nod your head. "I saw the next person. Park Jimin. He goes to Busan High School of Arts."

Namjoon grabs a pen and your notebook and starts noting your vision down.

"Did you see his Sin?" Yoongi questions.

"No, I woke up too early. But well done for handling this so good Yoongi." You glance at Yoongi with respect.
He sure as hell is handling this better than I first did.
"So what should we do." You ask the boys.

Joon finishes scribbling on your notebook and puts it back into your backpack. He turns back to face you guys before smiling.
"Y/N, you're going to get us into an Art School." A devilish grin spreads across his face.

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