20. The party

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"There was a makeup store in front of Swasa. So when you guys were picking out your shoes, I memorised some stuff and 'created' them in my room." Taehyung rambles as he pats the lip tint onto your lips.

"But don't worry, I do-... i.. did my sisters make up all the time." Taehyung pauses and frowns slightly before shaking his head. He opens a container full of pink powder and starts brushing it on your cheek bones.

After a few more touches, he pulls back and grins at his masterpiece.
"perfect!" He exclaims with a grin.

You giggle and look at yourself in the mirror.
You're shocked to see an unfamiliar but gorgeous girl stare back at you.

"Wow Tae you're a miracle worker! Thank you!" You squeal then hug him.

"No problem, now let's go and catch that man." Taehyung purred for effect.

Laughing, the two of you leave your bedroom and head out to the living room where Yoongi, Joon and Jungkook are patiently waiting on the couch.
As soon as they spot you, they stand up. Yoongi and Joon grin and applaud your look whilst Jungkook stares at you silently.

Something about Jungkook intense gaze makes your cheeks heat up.
"L-let's go guys, we wouldn't want to be late." You say, avoiding the compliments.

"Wait! Before we go, I envisioned and created something else too!" Taehyung says, grabbing your attention. He pulls out five small black contraptions from his pocket.

"What are those?" You ask, eyeing the small circular objects.

"Earpieces! I saw them on the internet and I materialised it. We need to keep in touch from afar too so... this is perfect! Look I'll put it in..." he picks up one of them and pushes it into his ear.

"Here, take one." He hands one out to each of and points to his ear as you put in in.
"All you've got to do is press the button on it and you'll be connected to the others. You can say anything and hear anything." He beams proudly.

"Thanks Taehyung, this is amazing." You gush as you brush your fingers against it. You then turn to address the the boys.
"Alright guys, let's get this show on the road."

The taxi that Yoongi called arrives and takes you all to Jackson's house. You pay the driver and get off to stare in awe at the mansion. Yoongi decides to stay invisible when he realises that people still recognise him with the his black mask on.

People are walking past the gates and towards the blaring music so you and the boys follow them.

As you walk down the pathway into the house, you feel eyes on you. You turn your head to the left and see two guys staring at your legs hungrily. On instinct, you recoil away from their perverted stares only to softly collide with jungkooks side.
"Sorry." You mutter up to him and focus on the mansion ahead.

Jungkook can sense that something is wrong. He looks at you then to the two men walking near you, on your left. Soon, Jungkook is red with anger.

He snakes an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him as you walk.
"Isn't it cold tonight babe." He cooed. You look up at him with surprise.

"W-What?" You croak out. Jungkook chuckles slightly at your reaction then nods his head towards the two men. Realising, you mouth a thank you and play along.

"I know right, but it's a good thing I have you here to keep me warm." You say back. Jungkook can feel himself melting into you as you walk up the path.

Taehyung and Namjoon slip in between you and the persistent men, obstructing their view. Soon after, they trip and fall face forward onto the dirt path, making you stop walking and shake with laughter.

"Score!" You hear Yoongi yell, you don't even care if anyone else hears his mysterious voice.

Still chuckling, you and the boys walk through the double doors of the mansion and into the large living room, packed with buzzed bodies.

"How are we supposed to find him out of all these people?" Jungkook sighs as he reluctantly pulls away from you.

"He's one of the popular kids, If not the most popular boy at Busan high school of arts. So I'm pretty sure he'll be sitting with his clique being the centre of attention, watching everyone like some sort of god."
Joon laughs and shrugs.

"I'll look around and come back." Yoongi whispers. You nod at nothing in particular and wait. Soon later. You feel a tap on your shoulder.

"Joons right, he's sitting on the couch with some friends of his." Yoongi mutters.

You say thanks then turn to Tae, Jungkook and Joon.
"Time to initiate the plan guys. We need to create a distraction to get rid of his friends."

You all think for a while before an idea finally clicks.
"We need to find girls who I can compel to flirt with the other boys." You say. "I'll tell them to flirt the Jimins friends and ask them to dance or something."

The guys nod and searches for girls.
Taehyung points to a group of girls dancing and grinding on each other.
"Them." He whispers.

You walk up to the group of girls and cut into their circle.

"Hoo r yoo?" One of them asks, too drunk to speak properly.
You stare at her in the eyes.
"I want you and your friends to go to the sofa with the Kingkas and flirt with the boys. Persuade everyone except Park Jimin to get up and dance with you. If you want to take things further then do whatever you want. Tell your friends too." You say.

You then quickly repeat "listen to your friend here and do what she says" to each of her friends because you were too lazy to instruct them individually.

Soon the group of girls walk towards the boys to flirt with them.
Grinning, you walk back to the corner where Joon, Tae, Jungkook and Yoongi are.
"Done, now all we have to do is wait." You beam.

From where you're standing, you have a clear view of the girls and Jimins friends. They twirl their hair and thrust their chests forward, which attracts the attention of them.
Jimin isn't really focusing on them however, he was scanning the dance floor for something, or someone.

Finally, the boys stand up and follow the girls to the dance floor, leaving Jimin alone on the couch, still gazing at the people dancing.

"Good luck Y/N, and if he tries anything, be sure to fling something at him." Jungkook says with a thin smile.

"Oh and make sure to speak to us through the ear pieces!" Namjoon adds.

"Go get em tiger!" Taehyung squeals then pushes you towards the couch.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly make your way to Jimin.

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