Chapter 22: After A While.....

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     The weeks passed by. I was looking very chubby now. And to find out I was pregnant was just amazing for me. But it still confused me though. I couldn't move around like I could back before. Most of the time I stayed inside the trailer. Mac, or Dad, suggested that I'd stay back while they went out hunting.
     I was also hungry all the time. Who knew that would be the case as I got chubbier each day. I watched as they went out hunting. I stayed back again. I even hid in the extra room that was there hoping to escape being attacked by dogs or wolves.
     I whined at the thought. If those dogs find out I am pregnant, I would be killed. Or my unborn pups would die. I kept quiet perking my ears to every sound. I kept silent as I heard twigs snapping. 'Who's there?' I thought to myself. I dared Nott to poke my head outside. It could be a trap. "Hello! Anybody home?" The voice sounded friendly. "Hello!" The voice spoke again. It sounded strangely familiar. I mustered up the courage to poke my head out. "H-hello," I said looking up at the stranger.
     "Why hello there," the stranger said looking down at me. "Wait. I recognize you!" "Avery? It's me Sylvia." "Hi!" I said wagging my tail. "So I've heard about the incident. I'm sorry." "It's ok." I heard footsteps as I saw Dad and the others walk in. "Who is this?" Dad asked. "This is Sylvia. She's one of my friends." "Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Macnair, and I'm Avery's father." "Nice to meet you too!" Sylvia looked down at me. "He looks a little different." "Yeah. We found out he's pregnant." "Really, but how?" "I don't really know." Night went over and laid down beside me. I snuggled close to him. "Oh," Sylvia said. "Well I just wanted to say hi, so I'll see you later." She walked out the door. It was nice to see her again. I smiled snuggled up next to Night. He smiled and nuzzled me curling his tail around me. Dad gave me a whole rabbit to myself. "Here Son." I smiled and started eating the rabbit. It was gone in a matter of minutes. I then yawned and curled up going to sleep.

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