Chapter 10: Safe for Now.......

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*one month later*

Another month passed. That strange wolf that appeared last month was still in my mind. I whined as I kept thinking about him. "What's wrong, Sweetie?" My mother asked. "We were outside last month when I saw this stranger wolf on the hill, and he was staring at me with this funny look on his face," I sniffled. "Aww don't worry, Sweetie. Momma will protect you," she said licking my cheek. I giggled. My mother smiled.
I laid down on the couch curled up next to Holly and Brownie. I closed my eyes to go to sleep. Almost immediately I was plunged into a nightmare. I saw that wolf again standing on the hill. Only this time the fence wasn't there. I whined and backed up as the wolf started chasing me. I ran and ran until he tackled me. I yelped kicking my legs. And at that moment I snapped awake. I must've yelped in real life because I had woken up Holly and Brownie.
"Avery what's wrong?" Holly asked. "I had another nightmare, and this time that wolf was in it." I began telling them what happened. "Oh," Brownie gasped. "It couldn't have been real." "But it was so realistic. It almost seemed real." I whined. "What's going on?" I saw my mother and father come into the living room. "Mom. Dad. Avery had another nightmare." "Aww Sweetie come here," my mother said. I came over. "No nightmare is gonna hurt you ok? Would you like to sleep in my bed?" "Yes please. Can Holly and Brownie come too?" "Aww how thoughtful! Of course they can!"
I followed my parents back to Katie and Thomas's room. I curled up next to my mom with Holly and Brownie following and laying down next to me. I closed my eyes again hoping that I'd be safe. But what if my dreams are trying to tell me something? I decided not to ponder that thought. It would be too frightening. But for now at least I'm safe.

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