Chapter 17: A Sweet Little Surprise

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     I woke up at dawn and stretched. I looked over to see that Night wasn't there. I stayed on the couch not wanting to get up and go looking for him cause then I'd get lost...and probably raped again. I shuddered at the thought and shook my head. Just laying on this couch made me look like a cloud with eyes.
     I saw some tourists go by, and I tried my best to keep myself from being seen. "Look a ball of fluff," one said. "Let's check it out," said the other. The came over, and I felt their hands on my fur. "It's so soft." I moved only just a little. The tourist stepped back. "This ball of fluff is alive!" I opened my eyes gazing at them. "Aww how adorable!" I pinned my ears back. I was every so weary about strangers. They scared me. I was afraid they might kidnap, or dognap*giggles*, me and hold me captive somewhere.
     The tourist reached out his hand. I don't know what had gotten into me cause I stood up, my tail between my legs, and I started screaming and yelping as if one of the tourists had hurt me. The tourist stepped back. "What did you do to him?" The second tourist asked. "Nothing. He just started screaming out of the blue!" I whined and continued to scream.
     I then saw Night running back up the hill. I'm guessing he must've heard my screaming and decided to rush on over. He took one look at me and then at the tourist with his outstretched hand and snarled. The tourists backed up. He went over and jumped back on the couch and stood over me protectively snarling at the tourists. I looked up at Night and blushed completely noticeable. The tourists ran off.
     Night jumped down from the couch. "You ok? What were they doing to you?" he asked. "I'm fine, and they just came up, and when one of them reached out their arm I just started screaming. I don't really like strangers. They creep me out, and they make me anxious and afraid." "Oh." "But I'm gonna head back home, and you can come too. You can meet my dad!" "Ok." He said, and with that he licked my cheek. I blushed,  my face turning very very very red. I covered my face with my paws trying to hide my blushing. Night chuckled. "Aww!"
     I made it back home my face still red. Mac, I mean Dad, looked over. "There you are! Where have you been? And who's that?" "Oh. Dad this is Night. And Night. This is my dad." "Nice to meet you! My name's Macnair, but you can call me Mac," Dad said to Night. "I'm Nightfang, or Night for short." "He kept me safe," I put in. "Kept you safe? From what? Did something happen?" I noticed the suspicion in his voice. "Well, I was walking down the road when I saw this group of dogs, and they were raping him." Dad growled. "They were what? Oh those bastards. I will hunt them down for messing with my son." "I acted immediately and chased them off, and I ran into him today and decided to stick close to him to make sure nothing happened." "Thanks for keeping him safe." "Np."

            *several months later*

     Me and Night were out for another walk. We tended to go on a lot of those. Some dogs tried to flirt with me, but they ended up getting reprimanded by Night. I felt my heart beating faster, and I didn't exactly know why. I always felt like that when I was around him. The way he smiles at me makes me blush and felt my heart skip a beat.
     We went to our favorite places. The Two-Step. The lake. The hilltop. But our most favorite place of all was the old couch on the hilltop. We go there every time we go on a walk. Night scooted closer to me. There it goes again. My heart beat faster. My tail was thumping pretty fast against the cushions on the couch. I laid my head on Night's shoulder. He looked back at me and smiled. I giggled. I then looked up at him, and without thinking, I kissed him on the cheek. Night looked back at me. I looked away trying Nott to blush. Night then looked me in the eyes. I looked back at him. My eyes twinkled. Night leaned in and kissed me. My face turned a crimson red and I kissed him back. He then pulled away. "Avery," he said. "Yes?" "Can I ask you something?"

(Haha. Just cause I'm that evil, I'm leaving this chapter on a bit of a cliffhanger. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Muahahahahah >:D)

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