Chapter 24: Once Threatened, Twice Shy

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     I laid on my side as the puppies started nursing. We still needed to name them. "What are we gonna name them?" Night asked. "The one that looks like me.." I nodded towards one of the boys. "His name will be Jimin." "And what about Brutus for this one." Night nodded towards the male that looked like him. "Yeah, and our last son can be Apollo." "And for our 5 girls?"
     "This one can be Sugar." I looked at a whiter colored pup. "This one can be Ginger." I looked at a reddish brownish pup. "This one can be Sienna." I nodded at a brown pup. "This one can be Athena." I looked at another reddish brownish pup. "And this one can be Snow White." I looked at a pure white pup. "Those are wonderful names!" "Thanks, Teddy Bear," I giggled. Night smiled.
     I looked over to see that Dad had come back with food. "Eat up, Son," he said. I smiled and ate the food. I then yawned curling up to go to sleep. The puppies slept in a cute little doggy pile next to me.

                  *the next day*

     I woke up to see that nobody was in the trailer. I tilted my head and looked outside. I then perked my ears to growls. Wolves. Again. But wait. I sniffed the air. Dogs. And the smell was rather familiar too. They were the dogs that raped me back when I was just 5.5 months old. I whined. And they could smell the puppies too.
     I hid in the other room with the puppies. They came in the trailer. "We know you're in here, so just come out," I heard a snarl. I wasn't ready to defend myself. I couldn't defend myself. I was too scared. Scared for my life. Scared for my puppies' lives. One of them peeked in the other room. "Hey boss I found them," he smirked. Their new leader poked his head in.
     "Well well well. What do we have here?" he laughed evilly. I yelped and nipped him hard on the nose. He recoiled. "Get them!" I tried my hardest to defend my pups, and that's when I heard more snarls and then yelps. I poked my head out to see Night, Dad, Amycus, and Alecto. I saw Amycus grab one by the throat and then saw him rip the dog's throat out blood covering his muzzle. I saw Dad slam one to the ground with a loud crack and then slammed his paw down so hard the dog's brains splattered everywhere. Night turned to the leader and snarled. He then grabbed the leader by the neck snapping it and then turning to me. "You ok Ave's?" he asked. "Yes thank you!"
     They had brought more food. I ate my fill letting them have the rest. I was still pretty shaken from the fight. I whined laying down. "It's ok, Ave's. They're gone"

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