Evans, always Evans...

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Every single time James opened his mouth and the first word he said was 'Evans', all the Marauders would groan loudly. It got really confusing one day when Lily promised to lend James her notes from Potions.

James: Hey guys, good news! You know how none of us managed to copy anything last lesson because of you-know-what?

Sirius: Yeah?

Lily: *appears a few paces away*

James: Well Evans-

Sirius, Remus and Peter: *groan*

James: What?

Peter: Mate, you've been talking about nothing but Evans for THE LAST FEW DAYS.

Sirius: It's got out of hand.

James: ... I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.

Remus: Wait, weren't you about to start ranting about how Lily-?

James: NO! I just wanted to tell you she promised to lend us her notes!

Sirius, Remus and Peter: Ohhh

James: Merlin, you guys...

Sirius: Well you can't blame us! You need to find a new hobby that doesn't involve Evans!

Lily: You know I can hear all of you, right?

The Marauders: Um...

Bonus: When Sirius developed a crush on Remus, he kept ranting to James and the one time he complained about it, Sirius replied with, "I put up with your ranting about Lily for at least 4 years. This is the least you could do."

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