b. long valley

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      when the light grey condos came into view, i almost chocked in disbelief.

"mom, no fucking way," i exclaimed, not believing the view infront of me. i hadn't expected her to move back into the same place we had lived before we  made our little escape from the terrors this city held.

"don't curse luna, i've taught you better," was all she said in response as she pulled up into the all so familiar compounds.

i didn't like the feeling i got when she parked in our old parking lot. the old memories had began to swarm my feeble mind as if purposely trying to attack it.

"i am not getting out of this car," i told her, becoming more stubborn by the minute. it irritated me almost as much as it irritated her but i didn't move. not when the memories were holding me like some hostage.

she didn't respond and only got out of the car, removing her suitcases from the back. she proceeded to the front seat where she handed me the car keys and began walking away.

she only turned back once and her jet black hair flipped with the air, "B2, second floor," she said, no sign of emotion on her small, tan face.

i followed suit, because of the cold that engulfed me in the empty car but by the time i had gotten courage to go up the stairs, the sky had completely darkened and some random boy was walking around the neighbourhood.

"need some help," his deep voice filled my ears making me turn towards him.

he stood tall, about three or four inches above me. he was dressed in red shorts and a plain white tee with some black sandals. his hair was a light brown colour almost like his eyes. he was pale but overally attractive.

"and you are?" i asked, getting out my bags for myself. i didn't need someone to carry them for me.

"i should be asking you the same thing," he joked, a small smile on his face that seemed to lighten up his whole look.

i shrugged, shutting the trunk of my car before locking it completely and making my way towards the block.

"oh c'mon, what's your name?" he asked, jogging towards me before i was out of sight.

i smiled slightly at his efforts to know my name but I wasn't back to interact with people, i didn't want anyone to know i was back. at least when i had the chance to avoid it.

"don't worry about it, i'm irrelevant," i told him, sending him a sympathetic toothless smile before walking away.

once i got to the second floor, i watched him walk away slowly as if he was sort of dissapointed in himself. i sighed, not knowing if i'd really ever see him again to apologize for my actions.

as soon as i opened the door, the smell of spices filled my nose making me feel hungry and suddenly the weight was lifted off my shoulders.

i forgot i was in long valley and that seemed to be my remedy because for the rest of the night my mom and i conversed like we always did. our conversation complimented with laughter and pure joy.

"it's all going to be fine, trust me sweetie,"

and in that moment, i allowed myself to believe her.

i hope i end up
finishing this book. it's currently march 31st so we'll see.

edit: i finished it on april 16th

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