n. relax

11 3 22


     parties are the works of the devil. i had learnt that back in freshman year but i still kept on going to them like i had somehow lost my brain cells.

mac and xavier were hanging around a group of people and i could tell that she was extremely uncomfortable and she kept touching her hair which i assumed was a new habit she had formed when she got nervous.

grayson was at the drinks area and i was tempted to just walk up to him and give him a huge ass hug. but i didn't.

"where is vivian?" andre asked me like i would somehow know.

"she has a red bush of hair, she should be the most visible in this whole house," i answered, looking around for her or even for luke.

i soon forgot about her when i saw gray walk into an room that was completely empty and then shut the door.

"um, we should split up and look for her," i told dre and he seemed to be up for it because he began looking for her in the opposite direction.

i walked towards the room i had seen him enter and turned the knob before walking into the room. grayson was on a bed and he looked tired and half asleep for that matter.

"who is it?" he asked and i could tell he wasn't fully sober.


he sat upright immediately at the sound of my voice and then formed a small smile with his lips. i locked the door just incase someone were to decide to walk into the room and find the both of us.

"hi gorgeous," he said, patting down the space on the bed beside him.

i walked towards it and then sat down next to him. he stared at me with this look that i couldn't pin point if it was admiration or lust.

"hi," i breathed out, moving to the back rest of the bed and he followed suit.

"wanna cuddle?" he asked innocently and i felt myself explode. how could someone be this adorable.

i nodded my head and then he was spooning me, placing his hands on my bare stomach due to the fact that i was wearing a crop top.

i was immediately feeling insecure because of the fat that i was packing on my stomach and began to shake a bit.

he placed the blankets on top of us then his lips were on my ears, sending shivers down my whole body.

"relax babe," he whispered making me go mad. i could feel my heart beating so fucking fast when he placed a short, wet kiss on my neck.

we didn't talk for a while and i could feel sleep begin to overcome me.

andre :)

hi, i got


ship name for
gray & luna?

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