t. fight song

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        the music boomed throughout the whole gym room and people danced in tune with it. grayson had made an appearance but not even once did he look at me. i could feel my heart ache for him, for a taste of his lips.

andre, vivian, luke and i danced together the whole night and mostly kept to ourselves. i noticed andre was a bit fidgety but i didn't think much of it.

when the time came, mackenzie went up on stage and announced that she would be singing the fight song. a smile found its way on my face as i knew mac would nail that song.

but when she started to sing it, i noticed that she was singing it as a remedy. the emotion in her voice was clear and in the middle of the song, she stopped holding her pink hair like she had been doing and got into the song.

it was to the point where she was in tears and her voice was so powerful that i was sure everyone in the whole gym was feeling the music.

"this is my fight song, take back my life song. prove i'm alright song,"

we started singing along and i got lost in the music, watching how much this song had touched mac. i missed her so much, i missed being able to call her my bestfriend.

i missed talking to her, running to her when i had problems. i missed knowing that she would always be there even when times were rough.

and then it happened, the thing that changed the night completely. mac moved back and then her hair got stuck on a pin that was holding onto the banner that read 'summer dance'.

she didn't notice but she kept on singing and then at one point she moved forward and all her hair was pulled off - well, the wig was.

i could see her bald head from where i was standing and then she noticed. she was running out of the gym without warning leaving her pink wig behind.

i rushed after her when everyone seemed too paralysed to even move. i knew she needed someone. there was definitely something wrong.

"mac!" i shouted, trying to get her to stop and she did.

"what?! you're here to call me ugly or something! well don't because i know, i fucking know it!" she shouted, falling to the ground in tears.

i ran towards her, engulfing her in a big much needed hug. she held onto me like her life depended on it and maybe it did, sometimes you never know.

"i have cancer," she spoke and i didn't let go of her. how had she gone through so much and was still here standing?

mac was a true champ.

"i don't think you're ugly mac. you are drop dead gorgeous and if anyone tells you otherwise, they're lying to you. so don't lie to yourself sweetie. i know this is your fight song and you will over come cancer and flip it off while you're at it. mackenzie, you've gone through so much. don't let this put you down, get up and go back in there and sing your fight song queen!"

"i missed you lu."

"i missed you too kenz, sorry for leaving town like that and for not being there for you when you found out you had cancer."

"all that matters is that you're here now, but one more thing"

"what?" i asked.

"sing the song with me?"

i didn't need to reply, we both up on our feet and running back into the gym. we took microphones and were screaming those lyrics at the top of our lungs.

people danced, clapped and overally enjoyed themselves and when the night came to a close, andre had a little surprise for the whole school.

"i'm gay and I'm fucking proud of it, so if any of you have something to say. go ahead, i don't give a fuck."

we all went to hug andre and even the guys in his gym class were cheering him on. and it was amazing.

it's beautiful, isn't it? how it all hurts but we never give up.

well, that was one
hell of a chapter

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