v. reunion

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i woke up in a bed, dressed in a long t shirt that smelt like grayson. i was all alone in the bed and cold had started to creep in just by sitting there.

"oh, you're awake," grayson said as he walked out the bathroom dressed.

"hi babe," i teased, loving the way his eyes widened and his cheeks flushed.

he walked over to me getting on the bed and on top of me. he had his hand around my waist and the other was stroking my leg gently.

"asking for a round two?" he teased back and i blushed even harder.

i pushed him off me, deciding to freshen up and hopefully eat.

"mac, e and xav are downstairs eating so hurry up," he told me and i felt myself smile at the thought of being with my old friends again.

i freshened up quickly and ended up wearing another oversized shirt from grayson's closet then headed to the living room where they all were.

it was almost just like it used to be. mac ran towards me to give me a big hug and then xav was teasing me for being in grayson's shirt.

ethan kept making weird ass noises to signal that he knew what we did last night. i almost killed him thrice.

the day was a fun one, hanging out with my old friends and new friends. we even invited viv and andre and had the best time of our lives.

"whoever steals the most expensive item wins," vivian told us, making up a challenge that she knew she was the only who was good at.

"i don't wanna get arrested."

"i don't wanna die."

and with that vi ditched all of us and did the challenge herself which was very impressive but bad at the same time and since she was a little angel, she ended up returning each one.

even the one she stole the day that me, her and andre went shopping.

"who down for a swim?" xavier randomly asked but we were all down so soon enough, there we were at the dolans backyard swimming.

well, this book is
coming to an end

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